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Man vs Wild

Can I wear a ghillie suit safely?

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no you wouldn't, atleast it doesn't say so in the ghillie suit bugs list

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I lose my stats when i change to ghillie. I have never lost any of my stuff though.

happened to me earlier today when i wore a ghillie i will point that it happened also way before at 7.2.3 patch, joining another server got me my states back

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drop your pack first put on ghillie. It might give you the last pack you were wearing drop it and pick up your pack that you droped. That is what happened to me.

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will all of my contents still be in my old backpack that i just dropped?

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Yes, I've never lost anything switching from Ghillie to Civilian and infinitely back again. I think it depends on the server you're on.

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I did put my Ghillie on and lost my Coyote backpack. So If I was you, I would`ve dropped my backpack first

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I never experienced item losses when changing clothes.

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If there's one thing you do, just DO NOT DROP YOUR BACKPACK! The glitches in this game are a mess but only do what you absolutely need to when screwing around with that inventory. My Coyote Backpack vanished in thin air and was replaced by a CPP.. HOW!?!?!

I did put my Ghillie on and lost my Coyote backpack. So If I was you, I would`ve dropped my backpack first

About the guys saying drop your backpack, the last time I did that it despawned instantly.......

Never again.

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hmm well this is interesting maybe I should hold on to it and wait for a update

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drop your backpack. then put on ghillie, then pick up backpack.

My bro did this and got teleported into the fabled ocean and the next server he joined he died.

Do I smell jokes sir?

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Hmmmm, when I put my ghillie on I didn't lose any items. But, it couldn't hurt to take your backpack off just in case. Just DON'T lay your backpack under a tree. I experienced a weird glitch that involved a car tire under a tree that I had dropped and wanted to pick up -.- .......10 minutes later the car tire was still under the tree and my keyboard was through my monitor. Might have exaggerated that slightly. Point is just don't drop items under fur trees!

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yeah, then you are safe.. because sometimes it has a tendency to "rollback" your backpack to the starting one ^^, atleast it happened to me

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I've never anything while switching clothes.

I put on camo clothing yesterday and lost my pack and everything in it. I always take the pack off before changing clothing now. Found a ghille yesterday also and took of the pack, put on the ghille, and another pack was on me when I put the ghille on. Dropped it, put on my pack and all is well.

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I found four tents up north yesterday & grabbed myself an M4 with ACOG, plenty of ammo, two Ghillie suits (One for me and one for a friend)

I went to put the Ghillie suit on & nothing happened. Then just as I was about to log out I teleported to the ocean. I tried swimming to shore but kept rubber-banding back.

So I disconnected and respawned at the Airfield. I kept my M1911, M4 & ALICE Pack - But lost everything else :(

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Derp... If you're going to drop your backpack, at least put it in a loot spawn


Changed into ghillie and lost my ALICE pack, which reverted into a CPP. Next time I joined a server, I died. Then I respawned in the debug plains, with my ghillie. Then I respawned on the coast with my ghillie, but NOTHING else. No flashlight, no bandage, no pack.

I found a CPP and regarded it as manna from heaven. Sometimes it's nice to have a perspective change where if you get hurt, you will die. If it gets dark, you cannot see. If you pick up more than you can hold, it stays where you found it. The game was intense for those few minutes where I had nothing.

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drop your backpack. then put on ghillie, then pick up backpack.

THIS is the way to do it. sometimes the backpack despawns when you drop it, but that goes for any item if you drop it in a bad spot. the safest place to drop it is in a loot pile or in a vehicle/tent, then switch to ghillie, then pick up your backpack again.

all other reports are random anomolies and don't account for whatever glitches are occuring on their server at the time.

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