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Addition to Server Hosting Rules Please

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I ban Combat Loggers....cause if I have to take my lumps, so should everyone else.

Problem is the "Server Hosting Rules" don't specifically address this issue, leaving it an area of potential argument and contention.

Rocket specifically says, right here, that this is not a feature of the game, that it is an exploit and he intends to "patch it out"...which has yet to occur.

Until it is impossible to force disconnect to avoid death, I feel it is in the best interest of the DayZ Team to add the right to ban combat loggers to the official "Server Hosting Rules".

Otherwise its a complete gray area that leads to potential dispute over the topic of "meta-gaming" when its irrelevent, Rocket has spoken, so....etch it in stone so players know they can be banned for it and MAYBE they'll stop doing it. (Maybe being a very subjective and overly optimistic term).

Thank you.

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We ban them too, and everyone else who owns a hacked weapon ( like AS50 TWS and things that give you a major advantage and aren't in the mission ) or behaving in a way that isn't fair play ( immediate DC ). Hell i don't even think they will post something admitting they used a hacked weapon or even hacking it in just to get a higher kill count which gives you nothing in return btw...we had an unusual kill count on our server the last few days so after looking into the logs we banned 11 players for using forbidden weapons and 2 combat loggers so far, one is under observation.

If Rocket starts to punish admins who admit they keep their servers clean for the sake of other fair players so be it...then he will be known as the king of haxx0rs.

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