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Improved movement and combat. (Standalone)

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DayZ's combat and movement is good and adequate. But for the standalone, I'd like to see some things changed. Here's the list:

Melee improvements:

1. Better melee combat (with blocking)

The main reason I want blocking is so that I won't get hit by a zombie every time I try to hit one with a hatchet. That, and it would also give players the ability to have in-depth melee fights.

2. More melee weapons

I found a hunting knife! Time to go kill some zombies!! Wait, what do you mean I can't use it as a weapon?

DayZ needs new, better melee weapons than just a hatchet and a crowbar. I wanna see stuff like knives, swords(it would take a real lunatic), baseball bats, pots and pans, and, the holy grail of any good zombie movie... a chainsaw... (Powered by gas, of course. I also think it should have an impact on your humanity.)

3. Re-designed weapon switching

Switching weapons in dayz is cumbersome. You should be able to switch from a rifle to a hatchet at the press of a button (I mean really, I can clip my hatchet to my belt, but I have to open my backpack to use it?)

4. They need weight

Whenever I swing my hatchet or crowbar on a zombie, It feels like I'm swinging cardboard stick. What melee weapons need to feel like they have an impact, and how would they do that? Well, step 1 is new animations. Step 2 is adding a camera sway to complement the animations.Step 3 is nice sounds. Step 4 is making the zombies react. Make them fall over, stumble, or something.

5. Easier aiming

Last time I checked, the infected had horrible eyesight, according to Rocket's description. That, and the zombies hadn't had ninja training (at least I'm assuming) prior to being infected. So why can't I hit them without careful aiming? Let's say I'm playing baseball. It's pretty easy to swing and miss, right? Now, let's say that we made the ball 100x bigger. And made it travel less than half as fast. Do you think you could hit it? Yeah, I do too, even if my adrenaline was pumping and I was injured.

Combat in general:

1. I should be able to hip fire and melee attack while running

One of the most annoying things about weapons in DayZ is that I can't run and shoot. If I'm running from zombies, and one cuts me off from the front, I want to be able to swipe the dudes legs out from under him with my baseball bat. I should be able to run and gun (Very inaccurately of course. The crosshair should disappear and weapon sway should be turned way up for balance).

2. My fists shouldn't be useless

Okay, more like my feet. Let's say I'm in a building, and I just ran up some stairs, and a zombie's hot on my trail. I'm low on ammo. What should I do? Well, in the current version, I'd either pop him once in the head, or fumble around in my backpack for an axe. With kicking in play, I could kick that poor guy down the stairs and watch him hilariously roll down the stairs. Oh yeah, that reminds me...

3.Ragdoll physics

Ragdoll physics could be used for a lot. First off, I could kick zombies off ledges, push them down stairs, or any other thing I can think of.

4. Make it cinematic

Dayz could be really cool if they added a cinematic, smooth style camera. If I'm running and I swing at a zombie while still moving, the camera should tuck down seamlessly, so that my whole attack looks smooth.


1. Better/ True reload and shooting animations and camera shaking

If you wanna make the guns feel nice and smooth, they need better animations. They also need real animations, not me shaking my gun around for a second or two.

2. Flashlights should work with pistols

It's pretty ridiculous that my character isn't smart enough to hold a pistol and a flashlight at the same time.

3. Rifle-butting

Rifle butting would be cool. Say I'm between mags and a zombie's charging me. I wanna be able to whack that dude in face and run while he's down.

4. Attachments

Probably every other person wants these. But they have that wrong idea for them. When you find, say a new weapon sight, I should have to find the tools to attach it to my gun, and then I should have to sight it in.


1. Jumping

I seriously can't jump? I blame Arma 2. This needs to fixed. Everyone knows that a big part of every action, adventure or whatever movie is jumping.

2. Certain areas should be designed to encourage movement

I mean, c'mon, how cool would it be for you and your buddy to be jumping from rooftop to rooftop evading zombies?


1. I shouldn't fling my flashlight every single direction like a retard while running

Why can't I hold my flashlight steady while running? My character isn't a retard!!

New additions:

Fist fighting!!

Rocket already has an idea for this, so I'l let him do what he wants.

So anyways, I know this'll take time and effort, but I'm confident that Rocket and his team have the skills needed. Is there an idea you didn't like? Think an idea could be improved? Tell me what you think in the comments or whatever.


Has anyone noticed that trying to make a list on this forum, complete with bold letters and fanciness is almost like trying to salsa dance with a dead cow while wearing high heels?

Edited by colekern
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Eh... Wat?

I was thinking the same thing.

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I'd like to see butt stroking with rifles and pistol whipping for those desperate situations where you run out of ammo or get caught between mags.

(Also please for the love of god let me drink from a lake without a bottle)

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I'd like to see butt stroking with rifles and pistol whipping for those desperate situations where you run out of ammo or get caught between mags.

(Also please for the love of god let me drink from a lake without a bottle)

I actually forgot to put that one up there.

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I love your ideas. But hipfire while running should be VERY unprecise. I don't want a jump'n run shooter :)

Edit: I would really like to see knife-mods for weapons to give them an extra punch in melee!

Edited by Pawlzz
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Yeah, that's what I meant. I don't think it should necessarily affect accuracy. I think it should instead make your aim go all over the place.

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