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ALT f4 stopping. The simple way.

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Alight so I see alot of post about ALT F4ers. You know those jerks who cheat their way out of gunfights. In other words the kids who like to pwn teh newbs but when they shoot back they leave right away.

So I have been saying ALOT of people offer soutions. But alot of them are impractal ones. Like "checkpoints" or "npc for 30 sec" or other overdone things. Well you know there is something that games TODAY are doing. Its called a timer. Its mostly used in mmos but i think dayz could make it work. When you quit the game you have to hit ESC and then click "disconnect" and then you need to wait 60 seconds. If you alt f4 or quit before 60 seconds you're character instantly dies. Or drops all his loot in a pile. Whichever you prefer.

Please respond and if you see a way to improve this please say it.

Edited by harley001

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You mean like exactly what you're suggesting?

Good sir you need to explain more. You have yet to explain what the big deal is.

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So your suggestion is almost identical to the one that they already plan on implementing? The only thing you changed was you made it much longer and instead of a sit down animation, you made it instant death

Edited by smasht_AU
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Not sure wether you have actually read any threads about this issue on this forum but a logout timer has been suggested quite a few times already and it is totally impractical and annoying. I don't want to have to wait 60seconds before I logout and why should I? Because a few people abuse the ability to abort the game via ALT+F4? I don't think so. That was always something I hated about MMO's.

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What if you lose internet, or your game crashes? Then you're fucked. That's what. :(

The key is not killing your character instantly, it's making your character sit there regardless. If you click quit (and it should be more like 15 seconds, not 60) or ALT f4 or your game crashes or something, you sit there for 15 seconds then disappear. It means if someone is actively shooting at you, it's actually more dangerous to quit than it is to run for cover or try to get away.

Edited by Yatagan

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i wonder how happy about this idea the OP would be when his game crashs or his net DC's...

lol @ insta-death on Alt-F4 ( or any version of it)...

totaly NOT a solution, kkthxbai

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Agree with your character stay in game for a brief period, disagree with instant death.If your connection drops out or your game crashes and your not in a dangerous situation you shouldn't die.

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