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Quick question regarding "hacking"

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Ok you may find this hard to believe, but my friend is an idiot and he is seriously considering hacking, I play with him allot and when playing i notice he rages and rage quits allot and now hes taking the child's way out: Hacking. And i am trying to convince him not to, And so here is my question: What are the punishment(s) for hacking? Will battleeye automatically global ban him if it sees him running scripts or any other hacking software? Or will they global ban him if he gets kicked too many times? ect...ect?

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Yes i checked the FAQ i saw no Q/A about this, I did not check the hacking section of forums but i though that section is just for reporting and i doubt bandit camp would know allot since they get all there stuff from killing

Edited by TheGuiltyCrown

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Yeah I believe it is a server ban if the admin finds out, and battleeye will usually globally ban them too.

Punch your friend in the face, then tell them that's what they are doing to everyone on every server they join by hacking. Maybe they will grow up and play the game properly. I can understand rage quitting, we all have done it at least once. I think some people forget that it is just a game, and for the sake of fun. If you die, it just means you have more to learn.

I know I am still fairly noob at this mod, and ARMA II for that matter.

Anyway, I hope your friend doesn't end up hacking, because they will regret it

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Why did you make this fucking thread 5 times? There was no need to make 5 threads all you need is one. And battleye global bans you so he would have to buy a new copy of the game.

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TLDR OP wants to know what will happen if he hacks.

1. You will piss off the REAL players that arent fucking retarded @ playing

2. Your not a REAL hacker either cause your talking about scripting and not coding your own shit.

DO IT, get banned, get lost

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I had a friend who hacked once, wasn't a rager but he just got bored i guess. Hell, i was bored too.

Your friend gets a global ban eventually. And so far battleye has just fucked up perma banning once.

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