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Why do I lose humanity for killing someone that shot me first?

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Seriously, this is the worst. I'm trying my best to get my hero skin but I keep losing humanity because I kill people who shoot at me first.

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There isn't really a fix to this problem, there is no way to detect whether it was self-defense or not...avoid other players?

Edited by chunkeymonkey79

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Regardless if you shoot first or not. Killing someone is bad. If you want + humanity, just run around with nothing but bloodbags and heal people. Otherwise it may get tough.

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herp derp immense RP fap......

OR they could fix this... (with a combat detection mechanic / aggression mechanic similar to the shock system) (of course that wouldnt work correctly either...)

It is in Alpha and is probably planned for stand alone if they want to keep humanity

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There isn't really a fix to this problem, there is no way to detect whether it was self-defense or not...avoid other players?

Yes there is, if it's broken and you can't fix it, you throw it away. (JUST LIKE LAST TIME)

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The system sucks, its a really poorly designed system and equally poor was its implementation.

Rocket says... We want to give players the ability to make their own decisions and carve their own paths blah de blah de blah, make their own mechanics... What does he do?

Make a system that for some reason gives my a character an emotional attachment to his performance relating to helping people and killing people... and to top it off makes it persistent through death, along with all the bugs that came with it. The stat shouldn't be in the game what so ever, perhaps there should be blood or something on your shirt if you kill someone with a hatchet but from long range viewing it would make no sense why I would make it publically known that I am a "Bandit" or a "Hero".

The only thing the current system is making me do is kill as many humans as quickly as possible so that I don't suffer from the awful skin changing bugs that plagues this current build and probably the foreseeable builds. I hope he doesn't implement such a bad mechanic into the game, trying to make out the game is a harsh environment and then suddenly giving players a way of ID'ing the threat of a target almost instantly seems a bit odd. Worst case scenario for me was I was in Cherno, came across a group of two people and they were at around 300m, one shot at me what must of been a winny or something, I return fire with my enfield... Bang one down in a single headshot.... *Skin changes - Character stands up tall and proud - Get a stomach full of lead - Die*... nice.

I don't know what he was thinking implementing a system like humanity skin changes when the game was already plagued with bugs from the Camo/Ghillie changes where it deleted stats, items and more.

Edited by Mastiff

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Because the system is in it's infancy.

There isn't really a fix to this problem, there is no way to detect whether it was self-defense or not...avoid other players?

Actually, there is. It's just going to take a lot of code to utilize the tons of data the game can record. It's possible but it's going to take a full time team and and some smart people to build a useful system. For now, humanity is doing it's job but poorly. I'm willing to take a hit to humanity if someone takes a shot at me. I'm not at risk of becoming a bandit unless some hero takes a shot at me.

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The more people you have killed even in self defense makes you more dangerous. Bandits are in the game to warn you how dangerous someone could be.

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Good idea but as some have already said the system would be hard to implement and execute maybe in a standalone they could do something with it.

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How is there no way to detect if it was self defense or not?

Player A shoots B first, then A has "opened" the battle.

B kills A, B defended himself.


A kills B, A is a murderer.

How hard was that to figure out?

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There's no actual reason in the mod for players to interact with each other outside of shooting each other.

There is no morality system they can create that will "fix" this. The simple fact is, players are not killing each other for survival reasons. They are killing each other for entertainment. Strangers in this game don't NEED each other in any way.

If the mod created a need for players to interact with each other outside of killing each other for entertainment, DayZ would be potentially as revolutionary as it pretends to be.

Edited by jonahcutter

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