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J-B vehicles getting deleted

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Hi, yesterday i found and repaired a bus in elektro, once repairs were completed i went to hide it because it was kind of late, when i logged off the server there was no one in the entire server, i saved the bus 2 or 3 times. I just want to know if somebody somehow found the bus or it just deleted its self because I have seen a lot of posts about peoples vehicles getting deleted.if anyone knows anything about this please tell me

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Go back and see if the bus is in elektro, if not then somebody probably stole it. Sort of hard to hide a bus.

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I dunno, vehicles seem a bit bugged. I found a bike which was hidden by another player and I took it. Later on I stashed it and saved it couple times. When I logged on later it was gone, I figured someone stole it. I checked again and there it was, hidden in the same spot where I originally found it. It could be that only the first save matters, just like tents. Or it's just fucked and who the hell knows wtf is going on lol.

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Funny thing about that, tonight me and my friends fixed up a truck, the VS3 or something like that. Went on to hide and save it a couple of minutes before the server restarted, once we were back in it was now a bus.

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If the server restarted, the bus has been put back to where it spawns, without anything.

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Funny thing about that, tonight me and my friends fixed up a truck, the VS3 or something like that. Went on to hide and save it a couple of minutes before the server restarted, once we were back in it was now a bus.

I saved a fully repaired, fueled, and loaded ATV and GAZ. Logged in the next day, and there out in the deep, deep, deep North, were two broken buses sitting where I had hidden the vehicles. I wasn't sure what happened, because I'm not sure how you get 2 broken buses out into the middle of nowhere, and one had a Mountain Dew in it. I assumed it was scripters or hackers because of the Dew, but you're the only other person I've heard say something about it.

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For our server, vehicles won't save. After repairing some and saving them, when the server restarts it just spawns back at the original spot where it was found and in the original state. It seems vehicles in is totally broken. Tents will sometimes save and sometimes be buggy.

I've searched the .rpt file and got to see when the buggy tent's explode at the WRITE attempt with some error in the code.

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