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Abandoned Vehicles and Car Parts

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I think we all agree that the land of Chernarus should be littered with workable vehicles. However, how many of these vehicles would be useable to a wandering car thief? For example, for a car to be useable it would have to have the car keys available - unless Rocket implements a hot wiring system.

My suggestion is to have vehicles quite common but useable ones quite rare. Vehicle parts however should be relatively easy to come by though in that you would just have to strip another vehicle. Finding random car engines, fuel tanks and tyres in buildings is a tad silly when the first place you would look is an abandoned car lying beside the road.

My point: Keep the number of useable vehicles the same but increase the number of abandoned, but perfectly fine cars, trucks etc so that we can blow them up, strip them for parts or just look cool sitting in the front seat.

Apologies if this has been mentioned before.

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All 'fine' vehicles should be drivable(eventually, after repairs) IMO

I'd rather have more vehicle choices and fuel being more rare, than what it is now.

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the game already has a "hot-wiring system" implemented. how else do you think you can hop in someone's car and drive off with it? adding keys to the game would just be clunky, obnoxious, and make it almost impossible to steal vehicles.

it's a game and realism should only be taken so far - how many people do you think turned into zombies with their keys in their vehicles? most likely very, very few. the vast majority would have either run out of gas or been blocked by roadblocks, turned off their vehicle, and continued their journey on foot with their keys in their pockets. they could have made it miles from their vehicles before either dying or being turned into zombies. if they died from gunshots or were consumed by zombies, the keys would be left on the ground with their slowly decaying clothing and likely lost amongst the other clutter on the ground. if they turned into a zombie, well, what use do zombies have for keys? as a hungry zombie stumbles and runs through Chernarus, those keys could easily fall out of its pockets. and given time the keys would certainly fall out as the clothes begin to decay and tear from exposure to the elements and who knows what. but let's imagine you're a particularly lucky survivor and you find a pair of pants on a corpse in a supermarket with keys in the pockets. now what? you don't know what vehicle these keys belong to. if the roads are, as you say, littered with vehicles then you're going to have one hell of a time finding the single vehicle that will accept this key. maybe the vehicle is a burning hunk 5 miles south, but you have no way of knowing that. the keys that you just found are effectively useless to you.

i say it's a damn good thing that DayZ assumes you know how to hotwire any vehicle you find. as for increasing the amount of useable vehicles on the map, yes it should be implemented and yes it has been mentioned many, many times before.

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I suppose you are right about the hot wiring

already being in game.

My point is that there should be a lot more vehicles which are not burnt out wrecks. And you should definitely be able to salvage parts. Maybe even move them into positions for ambushes or create barriers.

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How about, adding all the vehicles usable, and add more vehicles, but make it that you need the keys to use it, which can be found randomly around the map. To stop people logging off with them, make it that it takes up your full invent.

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How about, adding all the vehicles usable, and add more vehicles, but make it that you need the keys to use it, which can be found randomly around the map. To stop people logging off with them, make it that it takes up your full invent.

Did you really just do a drive by post?

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