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Handling dirty liars?

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I bet some of you try to be kind to players so you live in harmony and stuff. There really are kind people that don't kill you etc. but there are also liars. Dirty liars. Look, like 20 minutes ago I was in the Elektro school shooting a bandit to the ground, then his friend in the supermarket. I read "friendly and unarmed" from a guy and loot the supermarket. The guy looted the dead bandit first and began to shoot at me, I ran behind the corner and ran out of the supermarket to hide behind a wall. The guy ran to the firestation in the north and hided there. Looking for his position i survive one shot of him and run back to a corner, waiting for him to come down from the firestation and eating my bullets. We wait for each other 10 minutes or so, then the guy gets bombed with grenades and dies (Karma hell yeah). Oh, I forgot to say that he wrote "sorry im friendly, i was shocked". Well, I loot him and disconnect from the server because it would have restarded anyway. Long story, short meaning, how do you handle liars? I really am about to start banditry again like in the last weeks because banditry better in so many way. Tell me your stories

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I don't trust anyone not on TS with me. Deception/lying is a valid tactic.

Edited by smasht_AU
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This is why people are bandits. It's either you or them.

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"Friendly" but looting your kills, is not friendly.

Seriously, I am a DayZ pacifist (if everyone else will leave me the hell alone!), but I have no problem shooting someone for looting my kill. That's a violation of fundamental MMO etiquette. That's the kind of behaviour I expect to see in free-to-play games - where young kids that don't know any better learn bad habits. What you kill is yours, and anyone that disagrees is already your enemy.

That guy was probably out of ammo, or trying to get some measure of leniency from you.

How would I handle a liar? I haven't survived any liars. I've only come across two players at close range that didn't shoot at me. One was so helpful that I suspected his motives, the other never said a word.

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It's pretty simple, in DayZ


You gotta be all up in dey's face like

"YO," (at this point you thrust your gun in their face)

"YOU FRIENDLY?" you continue. (Wait now for their answer)


You be all like

"AIGHT." and shoot them square in the noggin'

Bitchez b a lyin-type n u ain't got no time for lyin-type bitchez


You be all like

"AIGHT" and shoot them square in the noggin'


Don't forget to thank them for their stuff, too. Manners gotta be pervasive, yo. Any G knows dat dey's ain't no time for no manners.

Edited by Scerun

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