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Medieval Times mod.... in the future

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So this idea is more of a suggestion to the community and it won't be able to happen until far after the official release of Dayzgame. I was thinking about how it would be fun to play a mod of Dayz that is based in medieval times. No elves, goblins and crazy shit, just knights/armor horses and bow&arrow. Swords and shields without guns.

I was just thinking it would be a neat idea since I have never seen a zombie survival game that revolved around this time period. And every game I have played based in medieval times has been no where near realistic....

Hate on me all you want but I bet it would be a hit.

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I think this is a great idea. it would be like an entirely different game with an entirely different backstory about why the zombie apoclypse happened. different tactics, everything. even the zombies would be different. i'd love to see this.

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They already invented that game. It's called 'Mount and Blade'. About the only thing it's missing is zombies.

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It's these ideas that'll be cool when he opens the mod up to the community. I'm looking forward to that as much as the standalone. Arma's always had a strong modding community and it's only going to get better.

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They already invented that game. It's called 'Mount and Blade'. About the only thing it's missing is zombies.

The only problem with that game is:

A ) It has nothing to do with the OP

B ) It's shit.

Carry on.

Edited by Fraggle
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That would be hilarious. Age of Chivalry or Dark Souls level combat system, zombies, and survival would just be a win. Toss in some nice dismemberment physics.. then take my money.

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I am reading Game of thrones right now and that is what gave me the idea. They do have some fantasy stuff in there but it is not the overwhelming story. I was thinking about how different it would be traveling. Right now it is safer to completely avoid people because a few bullets and you are dead from +200 meters. But in this world it would be much more difficult to kill people at range and it would gear towards interaction and hopefully cooperation or at the very least better planned bandit assaults.

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After being gone for some time and coming back to find no one else has really posted this idea I thought I would do a bump* to get some new feedback.

What I am suggesting is basically the game Chivalry: medieval warfare combined with Dayz.

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This is being made for ArmA 2:



Looking pretty sweet, no idea if it will play well or whatever, if its like two people in DayZ with hatchets, I cant see it being very good :D The sword play has to be solid for a game like this IMO and melee in the game currently is pretty turd.

Edited by Rooneye

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The only problem is that in most medieval theme, zombies and undeads are already considered "normal" mobs that you find in caves etc. Any kind of zombie infestation would be very localized since the original human population spread is low, and thus can be finished switfly with the blade.

On top of that, the presence of castles and walled cities makes a full scale apocalyptic zombie infestations unlikely.

Which is why the threat of zombies in present day situation is way more scary since humans are so closely packed together and all cities are open ground. Also when people see a half dead personwalking down the street they don't yell "Foul creature! Kill it with fire!" anymore, instead they would call an ambulance...

It's a good idea by the OP, but I don't see how it would logically make "sense" to have any kind of zombie apocalypse at that age in time

Edited by GeneticFreak

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I like the idea of a twist in the zombie genre by adding a historical element. TBH I'm not sure modding Arma engine would be the best choice to achieve it though. It's a military simulator. Even adding hatchets was a major problem for the devs and it still sucks even now. That's one of the reasons they moved onto the SA, so that they have more control and access to the engine coding at it's core. trying to mod a game to become something it's not would require the same amount of effort as making a new game from scratch.

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Maybe you can get a zombie mod for Chivalry? its on sale on steam at the moment too! xD

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Lots of historical possibilities for something like this, why stop in Medieval times?


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FUCK YEAH.As an expansion pack to the standalone.Kinda sad you don't want no witchcraft in it, I am a wizard by nature :P

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