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NL 13/20/ - marvel are you butt hurt?

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For those who are not up to date with the situation, here is a little background. me and MG are at, not war, but disagreements

  • I and a few friends used to play on mgftw's L4D2 servers. we were all high lvls according to their RPG system. All good until marvel and his bunch decided that noobs count more and started to make decisions that would favor them and disadvantage us, high lvls, so since all were afraid of the banhammer i decided I am not and noobs started to suffer, getting kicked out of games, the usual abuse. I got the bannhamer for things they forgot to include in their rules (votekicking is not against the rules according to MG's own bible)

Anyway going back to Dayz. our little group decided to camp the spawn spots and execute all freshies. in a few days marvel saw a slight decline in the ppl playing his servers I mean, nothing against Fresh spawns, but when you spawn several times and get shot 1-5 mins after, you wanna leave the server.

Add to that that we raided some of the camps located way above the kamenka and left side of the map area. Not to give out exact coordinates (where is the fin in that). Just line yourself with pavlovo and zelen, go west for about 2,5 miles and beyond the forest, are about 15-25 tents, all with high end gear. Of course MG is taking full advantage of the tents glitch :)

Now marvel is butthurt, so he banned me and only me, which leaves the rest of my little group stil able to play

To show you how butthurt MG is I have attached a link....


So, Marvel, unless you come up with solid evidence (as accepted by the dayz Mod rules: screenshots, vids and "fabricated logs") please remove my ban and do not base future bans on the fact that you are still sore about the mess i left back on MG forum....i couldn't care less about your private server

Ok, private server, for those who want to try it....

Here's the info:

IP: dayz.mgftw.com (

Port: 2302

Teamspeak: teamspeak.mgftw.com

Current password: mgftw

have a good day

Edited by razyel_kain

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you seem to be the one that is butt hurt here tbh..... if you're going to ruin his server with your childish display of power to fresh spawns, which is being a noob and a dick at the same time, you can expect this kind of treatment back.

So take the talk to him and don't use official channels to fight your dispute with him, because that is what cowards do that do anything to win a dispute.

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you seem to be the one that is butt hurt here tbh..... if you're going to ruin his server with your childish display of power to fresh spawns, which is being a noob and a dick at the same time, you can expect this kind of treatment back.

So take the talk to him and don't use official channels to fight your dispute with him, because that is what cowards do that do anything to win a dispute.

yes, I am a dick, but i follow DayZ rules. As long as it's not included in the rules i couldn't care less about what marvel and his gang think. They can ban me on their private server, but on official DayZ servers they have to follow the same rules as me....

So, going back to the issue at hand...can you "produce" the evidence marvel on why i was banned? :)

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Take your 8th grade drama BS somewhere else. Just have your mommy buy you another CD key or something.

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Take your 8th grade drama BS somewhere else. Just have your mommy buy you another CD key or something.

I don't need another CD key, mine works just fine on other servers. the fact that Marvel has problems with me on his servers is what makes me keep playing on them. So far he couldn't come up with a valid reason to ban me....i just have to wait for him to "produce" one...

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So let me see if I understand the situation.

1. You get on his DayZ server, be a complete asshole and kill people the second they spawn.

2. Server lost players because of you being an ass.

3. SA removes you from the server.

Did he break a rule, no (forgot about the harassment thing). Do you deserve to be banned, yes. Would do the same on our server if you consistently spawn camped and killed fresh spawns.

Edited by AADiC
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He does not need to provide evidence since this topic proves he banned you for harassment. Please enjoy never playing DayZ on his server again.

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So let me see if I understand the situation.

1. You get on his DayZ server, be a complete asshole and kill people the second they spawn.

2. Server lost players because of you being an ass.

3. SA removes you from the server.

Did he break a rule, yes. Do you deserve to be banned, yes. Would do the same on our server if you consistently spawn camped and killed fresh spawns.

banned for what? for playing the game as I see fit even if that affects his precious server? Unless I am cheating by any means, which I am not,

  • I KoS, regardless if he has gear or not. It is a dick move?, yeah, but I have been KoS many times as a fresh spawn so I'm all out of damns to give regarding the newbies
  • No one can tell me what server to play or how to play it as long as it's public and not against DayZ rules. If the admins have other rules that are against DayZ official rules like no shooting of newbs and such....i don't care....

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banned for what? for playing the game as I see fit even if that affects his precious server? Unless I am cheating by any means, which I am not,

  • I KoS, regardless if he has gear or not. It is a dick move?, yeah, but I have been KoS many times as a fresh spawn so I'm all out of damns to give regarding the newbies
  • No one can tell me what server to play or how to play it as long as it's public and not against DayZ rules. If the admins have other rules that are against DayZ official rules like no shooting of newbs and such....i don't care....

If you do not see how what you're doing is 'disrupting the server", and harassing other players, well I feel bad for you.

You are stopping people from being able to play the game, period.

Don't hold your breath from the server to be blacklisted, it's not going to be.

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If you do not see how what you're doing is 'disrupting the server", and harassing other players, well I feel bad for you.

You are stopping people from being able to play the game, period.

Don't hold your breath from the server to be blacklisted, it's not going to be.

Disrupting the servers by shooting players? aa...yeah, in that case where's the PvP? I got shot after spawn numerous times, and so have other players.

"Harrasing other players"? aw my gawd, i can't shoot at anyone then, cause it will harras them. have all the players with more than 20 murders/bandits killed been told that by killing other players they are harrasing them?

Really dude? So far you have made intelligent comments, but with this one, you really blew it...DayZ is about killing other players regardless of their gear, that's the point of PvP. If killling them is "harrasing" then why are there so many murders?

You are stopping people from being able to play the game, period.

How? You get shot, spawn, move on. You get shot again. same deal...

Edited by razyel_kain

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Disrupting the servers by shooting players? aa...yeah, in that case where's the PvP? I got shot after spawn numerous times, and so have other players.

"Harrasing other players"? aw my gawd, i can't shoot at anyone then, cause it will harras them. have all the players with more than 20 murders/bandits killed been told that by killing other players they are harrasing them?

Really dude? So far you have made intelligent comments, but with this one, you really blew it...DayZ is about killing other players regardless of their gear, that's the point of PvP. If killling them is "harrasing" then why are there so many murders?

How? You get shot, spawn, move on. You get shot again. same deal...

"Anyway going back to Dayz. our little group decided to camp the spawn spots and execute all freshies."

Are you serious, you can't understand how spawn killing is harassment.

You said you and your friends setup on the spawn areas and killed people soon as they spawned in, so yes that is harassment.

Big difference than killing people in Cherno/Electro, etc. At least those people were able to make it somewhere, do a few things, I have no problems with that.

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Point is I have been banned w/o any proof that I was in any way cheating. Until that proof is given i was unfairly banned according to dayz rules. The end

if you dont understand why you got kicked, then you shouldnt be allowed to play EVER. banditry is one thing, but intentionally being a douche to the "freshies" as you call them is totally different. the mod rules are clearly stated. if you really think that you were not in the wrong in any way, send an appeal to the Day Z dev team to try and get them blacklisted. dont be surprised if they tell you that you're fucking retarded.

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if you dont understand why you got kicked, then you shouldnt be allowed to play EVER. banditry is one thing, but intentionally being a douche to the "freshies" as you call them is totally different. the mod rules are clearly stated. if you really think that you were not in the wrong in any way, send an appeal to the Day Z dev team to try and get them blacklisted. dont be surprised if they tell you that you're fucking retarded.

^^ What he said.

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Private server right? So you go into HIS server and behave like a Dbag and you expect him to let you play there? hahaha where did you get that you're smoking bro, i want some!!!

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^^ What he said.

if it's not in the rules, i have no obligation to comply just because someone feels it's wrong. DayZ allows you to play as you like as long as it doesn't involve cheating. Killing "freshies" or geared up players makes no difference to me.I was KoS plenty times regardless if I had any gear at all.

Private server right? So you go into HIS server and behave like a Dbag and you expect him to let you play there? hahaha where did you get that you're smoking bro, i want some!!!

couldn't care less about the private server, i already have acces back into it. This is the official hive DayZ server

Edited by razyel_kain

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if it's not in the rules, i have no obligation to comply just because someone feels it's wrong. DayZ allows you to play as you like as long as it doesn't involve cheating. Killing "freshies" or geared up players makes no difference to me.I was KoS plenty times regardless if I had any gear at all.

couldn't care less about the private server, i already have acces back into it. This is the official hive DayZ server

Well, like someone else said, report them, nothing will happen.

If your play style is griefing players because you got killed some yourself, well you need to grow up.

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Well, like someone else said, report them, nothing will happen.

If your play style is griefing players because you got killed some yourself, well you need to grow up.

and you wonder why some people resort to hacking. Admins making their own rules and banning w/o proof, Devs that close their eyes to admins abuse on the servers...guess i'll have to handle it my own way...

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and you wonder why some people resort to hacking. Admins making their own rules and banning w/o proof, Devs that close their eyes to admins abuse on the servers...guess i'll have to handle it my own way...

You were disrupting the server, against the rules. Commonsense comes into this, something you're lacking. If you are doing something that is denying other players the ability to play, which you are doing, the SA has the right to remove you from the server.

Handle it your own way, well that just show your lack of maturity, grow up and maybe people wouldn't be such douches toward you.

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Comes down to this though......

His server, your banned, nothing you can do, lol.

You freely admit you went to his server to cause disruption to it and harrass its players. Bannable offence.

You demand evidence? lol, you admitted it, thats everyone else evidence right there.

Oh and Rocket cant even be arsed fixing the damn mod, you really think hes gonna give a shit your crying like girl? After being a complete dick?

I love humor in the morning makes my day better so please feel free to cry some more.....

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Just my opinion but if he is not actually breaking any rules that are put in place by the creators, he should not be banned. However morally wrong his actions are and of what he "should not" be doing, I do not see it as a "ban-able" offense. Regardless of past conflict with the admins in L4D2, I see this as a the admin simply removing someone from the his server in an attempt to provide a pleasing gaming experience. Again, however if its a public server everyone is allowed to play in it how they would like. Banning someone for an opinion of which seems to be committed is not just. Yes it is cruel to kill fresh spawns. Banning is not the answer, because no rules seem to be broken, and as for the "harrasment" I think someone said something along the lines earlier. He is essentially being banned for PVP; essentially spawn trapping. So if he or her and his band of misfits you could say are banned for killing, then anyone killing someone can be considered harassment. The problem lies of since not rules are broken, banning should not have been done, but what else could have been done?

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and you wonder why some people resort to hacking. Admins making their own rules and banning w/o proof, Devs that close their eyes to admins abuse on the servers...guess i'll have to handle it my own way...

oh! didims, did the nasty admin banned you for spoiling everyone's right to have a fun game. You were having such fun killing players that didn't have a chance. You're right! make them pay, grab some kiddie scripts, that will teach them...

Move on, go to a server who cares about your ego.

Edited by tazgecko
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I agree with OP and Boblaw the ban is not legitimate. And I laugh at all the carebears raging here

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Spawn killing doesn't get you banned, we follow the public server rules, however, in a previous topic here you admitted the use of hacks. Well, you didn't use any hacks yourself but your friends used hacks to locate tents, vehicles, camps, players etc. and you used that information to your own benefit claiming it wasn't hacking because you got the information from a 3rd party person. I disagreed with that.

Secondly, you are just a griefer. You're only goal when joining our server is emptying it. Griefing so much that people don't have fun anymore and quit, not to play the game like it's meant to be. Since I pay the monthly server bill it's my right to ban you from our servers just for that reason alone.

So no you didn't got banned for spawn killing, it's just a sum up of a lot of things you have done in the past and will continue to do in the future would I allow you back in. I'm just protecting my severs and players against people like you, something any responsible server admin would do.

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