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All servers seem to be desynced at the moment

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A group of friends and myself have been switching between servers because of desync issues. It seems like all the servers are having desync issues along with major rubber-banding.

Any servers with global chat are filled with people complaining about it as well. What's going on?

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I don't know about desyncing (red chain of death?). But everytime I tried to play today Z's weren't spawning correctly and loot wasn't either on UK 7. There were car parts everywhere, but nothing else. It was this way in two different towns far away from each other. /shrug

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ya they all really do need fixing... I gave up after i randomly died and having to click on items a million times before they show in my inventory.

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I agree, I tryed play dayz with my friend and it was not possible to play, bacause of the sync issue.

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I got a really bad desync while at the Balotta Air Tower. I was rolling to the door to make no noise, but a guy was standing there and not shooting. So I put 8 in his chest, and moved inside.

Then I teleported back outside with -15000 blood and died.

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So, all of you ignored the announcement that there are new "Security Features" in the hive to detect & nuke hackers who summon items/vehicles that is causing all of this lag?

They're working on it. Did this REALLY need a thread to simply complain in?

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So' date=' all of you ignored the announcement that there are new "Security Features" in the hive to detect & nuke hackers who summon items/vehicles that is causing all of this lag?

They're working on it. Did this REALLY need a thread to simply complain in?


Honestly, the "announcement" forum is so hard to follow as there are ten+ sticky threads alone in there. Some of the most recent aren't even stickied, while old ones still are.

I can't even find the announcement you're talking about, even after you described it.

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Seems like there's always weirdness and lag issues on weekends lately. Makes sense because thats when everyone piles on to play. It'll probably be fine during the week

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yeah just got shot by a guy that magicaly teleported next to me at point blank range. been alive for 3dayz :|

Same thing happened to me yesterday and today.

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