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For the love of God do something about these hackers!!

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to many times now iv spent ages getting good gear/zombie kills for it to be taken away by some arsehole hacker that just log's in a kills the whole server with one click of a mouse button it's just pathetic and is really starting to make me NOT want to play dayz anymore plz for the love of god do something get better protection anything this is such an awsome game and will be a shame if hackers kill it off!!!!!!!!!!

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lol, it's funny how you demand effort to be made on the part of the devs on a subject you've put no effort into searching for on this very forum....

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tbh i just wanted to get my point across and thats what fourms are for

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It's sites like Multiplayer game hacks that cause all these woes, it's beyond me how they still exist with all the victims wanting revenge.

Game companys need better laws to stop this as it is detrimental to their products. Wonder if Tim Guest knows a story about a hacker who got his just desserts. That said lock this thread plz mod.

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Hackers? In my DayZ?

No really, this is spam.


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