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xX DeKz Xx

looking for mature over 18 uk players to join my clan

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Ok lets sort out this shite once and for all so these trolls can fuck off.

Dex tried to join your community and you instantly declined him for whatever shitty reasoning you have.

He called you children wich you obviously are or atleast child minded. Try going outside more.

First of all

I strongly disagree with the clan's policy's to Recruit on other clan's forums, Too whom trusted you guys, only to receive several knives in the back, you have been banned on the enforcers forum, Aswell as several others. s.

We have NEVER attempted to recruit members from other clans on other clans forums

The irony of someone too whom is NOT 18, by both records of acheivements and the way he put's himself out there, Hosting a clan that is for 18's +

Moar lies the guys 25

Do you wish me to prove that wrong by screenshotting the messages Sent? well, That would be embarressing for you wouldnt it; Instead I belive the cohallition of the clan's that you have now pissed off by attempting to recruit there players behind the backs of there leaders, too whom trusted you; are just going to destroy you're camp, and kill you,

We are still yet to see any of these "screenshots" just bullshit quotes

Also please have the leaders of these so called "other clans" contact us. Im sick of you bullshitters


Its obvious that your making up quotations saying it was a "pm". Its not big, its not new, its not clever and anyone with sence can see what your doing.

You remind me of petty women that are full of lies, theres enough of them at work dayz isnt the place.

This will be the last post we make on the subject because were sick of you trying to ruin the reputation of this squad with your drama

Jog On :)

Edited by Taylor_Hizzle

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dude just fuck off u av taken this far enuff for no reason what so ever. ur clan/thing is lame and will never match what i have so jog on. PEACE

So you dont want the rest of these quotes? I have no reason for this? CHap you tried to recruit on my own forum, from my own clan, not knowing I get messages telling me what is sent between players, aswell as also screeenshots ffrom players asking t too join you, Honestly, shameful chap.. i've seen doornobs with more Braincells than you mate,

Peace out


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Yall do realize that I am also in powel's group and Dekz has been posting on our forms trying to get our members? Glad I could clear things up. kthanksbye

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See? we have someone whom actually was attempted to be recruited by him, do you honestly want more proof than what was supplied earlier and now?

Taylor hizzle, what proof do you have of me forging quotations? I';ve supplied evidance, even supplied a witness, and you guys can do what, just merely say ''No, it's all lies,''

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Yall do realize that I am also in powel's group and Dekz has been posting on our forms trying to get our members? Glad I could clear things up. kthanksbye

never heard of u. wots the point of all this really? it is sad to see. u will never damage the rep of my clan like this only yours.

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never heard of u. wots the point of all this really? it is sad to see. u will never damage the rep of my clan like this only yours.

That cant be right heh, we just had 3 mergers because of this :thumbsup:

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This is the funniest thread I've ever seen.

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This is the funniest thread I've ever seen.

The elite squad Dekz will magnetise with his charisma strikes fear in my heart...

*edited post quote due to dodgy tablet typing

Edited by jwjw

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The quality Dekz attracts

The elite squad Dekz will magnetise with his charisma strikes fear in my heart...

Haha, both comments Made me laugh, I can swear we had some elite squad members try and kill us, only too be killed with secondery M9SD's and PDW's, Ahh that was a fun day.

We actually screenshotted the deaths if I could find the Pictures in my files somewhere.

Just goes too show, dekz really has a Hardon for me.

Edited by benpowell987

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u will never b gud enough to kill me lolz that u even think that. your just a stupid 17 year old with no real friends. come back when your old enough to play these games.

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u will never b gud enough to kill me lolz that u even think that. your just a stupid 17 year old with no real friends. come back when your old enough to play these games.

''you will never be good enough to kill me, heh that you even think that. You're just a stupid seventeen year old with no real friends. Come back when you are old enough to play these games.''

Fixed your spelling my good chap, But sir, I am old enough to play these games, But congratulations you have just killed me... with laughter.

Now, you originally thought I was trolling, you would be glad to know, Now I am, as to before, where I was not. If you count my passionate hate for losers, ''txt'' speaking, and Mongaloids, and my acting against them, as ''trolling''


As a request my good chap, I do ask that you stop trying so hard, before you bust your last few braincells.

Edited by benpowell987

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''you will never be good enough to kill me, heh that you even think that. You're just a stupid seventeen year old with no real friends. Come back when you are old enough to play these games.''

Fixed your spelling my good chap, But sir, I am old enough to play these games, But congratulations you have just killed me... with laughter.

Now, you originally thought I was trolling, you would be glad to know, Now I am, as to before, where I was not. If you count my passionate hate for losers, ''txt'' speaking, and Mongaloids, and my acting against them, as ''trolling''


As a request my good chap, I do ask that you stop trying so hard, before you bust your last few braincells.

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''you will never be good enough to kill me, heh that you even think that. You're just a stupid seventeen year old with no real friends. Come back when you are old enough to play these games.''

Fixed your spelling my good chap, But sir, I am old enough to play these games, But congratulations you have just killed me... with laughter.

Now, you originally thought I was trolling, you would be glad to know, Now I am, as to before, where I was not. If you count my passionate hate for losers, ''txt'' speaking, and Mongaloids, and my acting against them, as ''trolling''


As a request my good chap, I do ask that you stop trying so hard, before you bust your last few braincells.

Lost your credibility at Mongaloids

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Not just the spelling, bit discriminatory

Aye I do apologise if you where offended, but yer'see, The value of his spelling, Agressive techniques, and more than unuseful threats, honestly does not agree with me.

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Yeah, he is a comedy show, but I'd never even use retard to describe anything any more. Stupid/idiotic/moronic/etc not suffice?

If you like, I could change it?

Edit: He offered us out on a Squad on squad hunger games, heh.. we laughed quite hard, I thank you chap for the laughs.

Edited by benpowell987

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watch this post lads because i will have the last laugh. now fuck off you posh little twat

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The last laugh being telling me to ''fuck off, you posh twat...'' you're right, I seemed to of laughed.. speak with some class chap'.

Edited by benpowell987

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