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xX DeKz Xx

looking for mature over 18 uk players to join my clan

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if your over 18 mature and a decent player add my skype dekz09 for a chat about joining [ESQD] Elite Squad. il b online about 6ish tonite

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I strongly disagree with the clan's policy's to Recruit on other clan's forums, Too whom trusted you guys, only to receive several knives in the back, you have been banned on the enforcers forum, Aswell as several others. The clan's you have betrayed will also be notifying several other communities about you're actions, aswell as the fact that you are lie about you're age to you're own group,

Several clans will be taking action, by raiding you're base, and ruining you're DayZ lives as you have attempted to do with several others.

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anybody who thinks this shit is true can check my posts by clicking my name. what a retard

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Tut tut tut, Dan was working on my behalf; Atleast read something before you shrug it off; it says on there seperate forum's by Inbox, yer;fecking fool. Enough said...

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Dekz wuts the port number for vent?

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The irony..

Do you have a clan server?

The irony of someone too whom is NOT 18, by both records of acheivements and the way he put's himself out there, Hosting a clan that is for 18's +

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so hang on did i message any of ur players NO did i ask u to merge NO did i ask u anything about joining my clan NO. so what did i do? nothing! all i did was ask u about us joining ur comunity thats it.

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Do you wish me to prove that wrong by screenshotting the messages Sent? well, That would be embarressing for you wouldnt it; Instead I belive the cohallition of the clan's that you have now pissed off by attempting to recruit there players behind the backs of there leaders, too whom trusted you; are just going to destroy you're camp, and kill you, as we know both the location and server, as what comes around goes around; one of you're members is working for us, but you'll never find out whom

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Why u mad bro i roll wid these guys and i know full well Dekz is of age and from what ive heard is that our group offered some friendly team tdm on arma and you go nuts,

its all fun not whos got the biggest knob,

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whoever is doubting this clan has to be a troll. ive been in since the beginning and i have no idea what your on about.

We havent fucked over anyone elses clans all we have ever done is ask who wants to join us on the forums.

now get the fuck out

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before we even bothered posting this, we backed it up with them,

Buddy, first of all, DekZ is 25 mate, second of all, I have been with this group/clan from the very start, and they/we have never stabbed anyone in the back, we're just some guys that fuck around and have fun, I honestly do not know what you're trying to do, unless trolling, or maybe you got killed by one of us and you're just butthurt. Anyway, have a good day lad.

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show it u fucking fag. stop trolling

Done so below ol'chap

Why u mad bro i roll wid these guys and i know full well Dekz is of age and from what ive heard is that our group offered some friendly team tdm on arma and you go nuts,

its all fun not whos got the biggest knob,

that may be, but it depends on whom IS the biggest knob

whoever is doubting this clan has to be a troll. ive been in since the beginning and i have no idea what your on about.

We havent fucked over anyone elses clans all we have ever done is ask who wants to join us on the forums.

now get the fuck out

Allow me too quote a few messages from him, I'l even quote the whole conversation if needs be? but as for that, i have never seen you guys in game, and would be proud too of been fighting by your sides if what happened didnt occur,

Will be showing something else soon, E.G. Now:

fuck off u cock i may not be 18 but youll tell me who the fuck is in my clan now otherwise im going to fucking kick everyone


I dont care who the fuck u r but im going to recruit in ur clan anyway and jst bcause you baanned me on ur forum doesnt mean I cant get on it

I quite like that bottom quote, as heh, ''Doesnt mean I cant get on afroum i'vebeen banned from'' use a proxy, I still see every message sent,

Edited by benpowell987

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Oh, and give me a few more moments to sort this out, and i'l have more of what was said <3 and those two PM's where simple from my inbox

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Plus, I don't have photoshop on me'laptop, thats the computer I have it on, Not that I use it for Quotes, or anything, besides Im not that decent at photoshop,

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The irony of someone too whom is NOT 18, by both records of acheivements and the way he put's himself out there, Hosting a clan that is for 18's +

lolz check ur times dipshit. so u think i told u at 4.26. when ur fake message says 4.50? fake as fuck

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Had it been stated that the only time you mentioned it was this? Had I actually Said in that quote you said it? :3 Read the thing you just quoted first yer'fecking dipshit. please, fecking read before you post aformentioned retard posts..

Edit: you owe me a new desk chap, Made me facedesk that desk so much it's broke in half, Okay? :thumbsup:

Edited by benpowell987

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dude just fuck off u av taken this far enuff for no reason what so ever. ur clan/thing is lame and will never match what i have so jog on. PEACE

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