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The ladder slide!

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So I was playing with my brother and a friend the other night and got into a spot of bother over at the Apartment block hospital in Cherno... having a lee Enfield...DMR and a Double shotgun.... we didn't fancy shooting our guns off with 3 dinner bell guns in hand... so we decided to climb a ladder...pull out our hatchets and kill the 10+ zeds following us...

Now about 4 or 5 of them climbed up and we dispatched them easily enough but the other 5 stayed at the ladder base just standing about it... (this was before we noticed the other ladder lol)

So we got to talking about how funny it would be to be able to slide down the ladder and kick the zeds at the bottom giving you a brief couple of seconds to get running....

So just as a small suggestion a ladder slide would be fun to add in.. obviously not everyone can do this (if you ever tried its hard) and has like a 20% chance of falling off?

Let me know what ya think :D

Also if this been suggested link me but I couldn't see anything with a brief search :D


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ladderslides are possible and do so if u want to break bones :)

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Sliding down a ladder without gloves is possibly one of the most painful things you can do. People do it in games and movies all the time, but it really isn't a good idea.

Edited by TurtleMadness

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I have a hero skin, it has gloves! sorted, bish bash bosh.

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Yeah I'm on the 'its a flashy movie thing' boat. I've tried sliding down metal ladders in real life, not a good idea. It's certainly possible, but believe it or not you have to be trained to do so. In this game everyone is the average Joe, so I don't think it should be added. If spawn personalities were added (civilian, ex military, cop, etc) then maybe the firemen or military would get it as an extra ability, but otherwise no.

I however would like the ladder system to be less chunky overall. It takes 10 minutes to get on and off the dang ladder, which any untrained fool could do very quickly. :P

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