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My biggest concern about this going stand-a-lone

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As you can imagine, I'm not sleeping at the moment. I'll have to wear a mask...

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seems like you never had bush hehe... once you get a taste, you'll never go back!

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How about a "FUCK NO"?

What speaks against 1.000.000 bunnyhopping 12 year old retards with noobtubes going mad in Elektro/Cherno ?

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Call the Hienz Beans then lol

And surely Heinz would pay money to advertise their product - maybe even sponsor it

"Sponsored by BeanZ!"


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What speaks against 1.000.000 bunnyhopping 12 year old retards with noobtubes going mad in Elektro/Cherno ?

You sir, are making me get nightmares tonight.

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So you'd rather the million twelve year olds play the PC version instead?

The version that can and will be changed due to feedback rather than them getting their own bolted down version that wont change no matter how much they moan becuase of how much MS charges devs to release patches/DLC? Xbox version will probably be produced once the PC version is locked down. It's not like the Xbox version of Minecraft makes the PC version any worse...

You've got some strange logic


Plus, you don't use that many buttons in DayZ, most of them are redundant or from bad design. The only problem is the aiming wont be as great as a mouse but that wont bother the twelve year olds...

people with current gen PC hardware get lag in the cities... how in the fuck do you think the xbox (which was obsolete hardware before it was released) is gonna run it? it won't.

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Now… hear me out this may upset many of you.

Now, there are certain aspects to this game which we all know make it tense and enjoyable. The fact you can be running through some trees in the middle of nowhere and be on the receiving end of Winchester fire, how you can go into a shed as a fresh spawn and get blocked in by glitch zombies and having no way of escaping, or going to Stary Sobor military tents without being sniped. There are many things that make DayZ great, but there is one certain aspect which may be damaged by this game going stand-a-lone.

That is, indeed part of the food system. At this point you’re probably wandering how the game going stand-a-lone effects the food system. Well, it doesn’t exactly… but say goodbye to Heinz Beans.

It’s a trademarked brand, Rocket won’t be able to use any brands in game without consent from the companies that manufacture them. This is a bigger issue than it should be, since practically speaking, this whole mod has been built around Heinz Beans, removing them removes the soul of the game. I want to know how this situation will be tackled by the dev team.

Fatty fat fatpants. No but i seriously hope your trolling here. And if you are, you know where to stick those beans brah.

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wudnt they actually pay to be represented in game ?

Not all publicity is good publicity, unless you're Michael O'Leary.

It wouldn't look good for Heinz/Coca Cola/Pepsi etc if for example some guy decided to go on a rampage and murder a bunch of people in real life and then blamed DayZ as influencing it. The media would jump on the companies like a pack of rabid dogs saying they effectively paid for this guy to do it... you know what the media is like. DailyMail can make a story about how someone lost their shoe due to global warming and it could happen to you... whilst you sleep.

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free advertisment bad ?

wudnt they actually pay to be represented in game ?

i get a strange craving for beans everytime i play

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