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I could play but all of a sudden i cant..

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I like most have been able to play after searching for servers that let me actually log in. It usually takes about 45 mins or so to find a server that I can play on, but for some reason today I have not been able to find a server at all. I've had to force quit the game and reload it up, i've tried reinstalling the dayz files, i've tried shutting my comp down, all to no avail.

Did something happen today with the servers or am i just the unlucky one?

Please don't post with is everything up to date. I have everything up to date arma2 is updated and im running the beta.

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Me and my friend are also having the same problem, we just get stuck on the loading screen..

It worked fine yesterday though..

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Here here, Pretty sick of spending 2 hours a night to find a server. I understand that it's alpha. But honestly don't understand how the servers we played on last night worked fine then today I cannot find 1.

Epic mod with huge potential but these little things are killing me.

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Maybe they updated to the newest Arma Beta patch? Have you all applied it? Are you sure your mod is installed correctly?

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^^^^ I completely agree with above poster. I understand that this is alpha, BUT we are not having problems with the game when we are in game. This server issue is a serious issue and has nothing to do with the fact that we are in ALPHA.

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Game was working fine for my group until an hour or so ago.

Every server connection gets stuck at 'loading' inedefinitely and requires the process to be ended via task manager.

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@Thunder i asked for people not to reply with stupidity as to not having the correct version. IN original post I put that I have everything installed correctly and updated correctly.

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Yh, Im always on latest beta m8, there's like 10 of us that play. So maybe 1 could get it wrong but not every 1. It's like this every night we start looking at 6pm end up on a server at maybe 8 pm that then crashes 30 minute later. I just cannot grasp it.


O so I finally spawn in uk 6 and im back in debug ********* forest!!!!. With NVG, DMR gps radio, coyotte big pack, been alive for a whole week.#

Surronded by about 30 bodies that are clearly dead so I DC and try another. I get in that and im stuck in the same place. I seriously hope it's a hive fault and gets restored. Im so sad right now. I really hope i can run out if not. Some 1 said SE. GPS doesnt even give me a clue where I am.

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^^^ lol retarted post by a retarted person, im honored to be the only post you have ever posted in

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Reporting in.

It worked perfectly yesterday and now I can hardly join a server.

Most of the time I am stuck at the loading screen and if I somehow manage it to enter a game, all the loot is gone + it's laggy as hell.


a moderator might want to move this to "Bug Reports"

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