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No trading forums ? Need DMR or M4A1 CAMO SD | HAVE NVG, GHILLIE and more

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I wonder why there are no trading forums here yet.

I imagine alot of bandits/scammers would use them to lure people to spots to kill them and loot them but well, dying is always near in Dayz so it doesnt really matter to me.

If anyone has a DMR or a M4A1 Camo SD for trade I'm sure i can make a good offer + replacement weapon.

I do have every tool available,my pair of night vision googles that i would part with, a m9 sd with ammo and i also have an extra ghillie suit.

PM me if interested.

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I will deliver DMR.

Round by round. Where are you?

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A trader forum is useless because it would be full of scammers and bandits. Trading is unreliable seeing as how anyone could just shoot you in the back of the head while your bending down to drop your stuff.

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I got 3 DMR's in our group atm. What do you have for one? Only really after other amazing weapons.. :S

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I have DMR with no mags (bugged out -.-), and M4A3 CCO with 4 mags. I am headed to NW tonight, and if i find anything of use we could trade. I would trade my M4 for a silenced mp5 or both weapons for a silenced M4 with a few mags

That is, if i dont get killed tonight xD

If you want to trade, quote me or something i will bookmark this thread :)

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You will died in this trade' date=' I guarantee you.

NVG is worth more than gold.


This. So much this.

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I'll trade you a M4 SD for the ghillie suit. I have a TeamSpeak server we can use during the trade

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My endeavor ended in success.

At this point i thank ghzt for supplying me with two shiny new weapons without anyone dying in the process and everyone being happy.

But i was lucky, I'm aware of that. Meeting a guy like ghzt was like winning the lottery. Most people would have scammed me/killed me.

He came up with a good tactic, here it goes:

Make sure you meet in the most desolate area possible (borders of the map i suggest) and find a hill so that you are not in line of sight of each other. Also agree on not wearing any weapons at the time of the trade, put the weapon(s) in your bag. If the other person is holding a weapon the deal is off.

Now both people drop the items on their respective sides of the hill. The hill should make a line of sight impossible!

Then both meet at the hilltop to check if both sides hold the agreed upon items. Then both people go to their loot and loot it and well.. i suggest you log out afterwards and change the server.

I cannot stress enough how important it is that nobody draws a weapon. Obviously.

I also suggest that both parties agree on coming alone.

I know its not perfect and still holds loopholes like, the other person didn't drop loot and waits atop the hill with a weapon.

But it seems like the best method right now and its how i will make future trades.

I hope this helps other people and gives some hope of success.

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Okay so, anyone else wants to trade?

We need 2 NVG's, have DMR, M4A1 SD, M4A3 CCO and BAF AS50

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Interested in trading NVG for AS50. Can do it tomorrow's evening. My steam contact is in PM.

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