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Glitch with adding this game to Steam.

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Whenever I try to open steam dashboard in-game, all the buttons in DayZ start freaking out. Basically, all the buttons keep getting selected again and again. It makes it impossible to use the inventory, and extremely annoying to open a menu. If you don't get what I'm saying, I do my best to make an example:





That represents the Main menu. Now whenever I try to use the steam dashboard, here's what happens:


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Button1 |

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\/ |

Button2 |

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\/ |

Button3 |

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Button4 |

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Whenever I activate Steam, the buttons go haywire. They just keep being highlight and highlighted and highlighted.....

If you still don't understand, I'll do my my best to describe it even better.

Anyways, my question is: Does anyone have this problem? Did you find a fix? Thanks for you're time.

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I had this problem too, best to run the game without steam. To fix it though, you tap alt I think, maybe double tap it. I had some sort of fix for it.

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I had this problem too, best to run the game without steam. To fix it though, you tap alt I think, maybe double tap it. I had some sort of fix for it.

Thanks, I'll test it. Also, do you know how to use the Steam overlay when OA is launched in administrator?

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i played with steam a while back, my friend learned me how.

i got no idea how he did it, he guided me through it, but it also depends on what launcher you use.

keep in mind steam does not support Dayz, it is a mod not a game.

therefoe steam will freak out the moment you launch Dayz because he thinks its Arma II while it isn't.

you can look it up on google, im sure you can find a answer ;)

Gr Gio

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