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Spawning Scenarios

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So one of the biggest issues for beginners getting ganked. It isn't fun and no one likes it, but because everyone spawns on the south coast, Elektro and Cherno (possibly Berezino) are too tempting not to go loot first. My idea is to expand the possible spawn areas and starting gear based on a scenario spawn system.

In my ideal world, the further North you go, the more militarized the zombies get. These soldiers are wearing very protective gear, to protect against infected, so shooting them in the body will only cause them to stop running for a short time (1-2 seconds) and headshots are the only way to take them down. So as you move North, they gradually become a larger threat.

There should be 4 different types of scenarios: Military, Resident, Woodland and Shipwreck.

Military scenario spawns will place you somewhere in the North west of the map, near a deer stand, and you start with only an M9 pistol with 1 magazine and binoculars and no backpack. Zombies are very tough up here, but you are close enough to hit up the NWA or Stary Sobor for weapons. However, you could be killed by Bandits quite easily, as the Wild North is not a friendly place. As an ex military, you will be wearing a black vest with camo trousers, you are not protected against the elements and can get cold quickly, meaning you need to gear up and quickly find a hospital for anti-biotics if the weather is bad.

The Resident scenario will spawn you outside ANY named town on the map. You start with a Patrol pack Matches, Painkillers, a flash light, 3 cans of food and a canteen of water. As a resident, you grabbed your coat before leaving so food, water and warmth aren't an issue, but survival gear and weapons are.

The Woodland scenario is a spawn that will help those who want to purely survive. You will wake up in the woods anywhere on the map (generally the middle). You spawn with an Czech Backpack, Crossbow with 3 bolts, an empty canteen, a knife, a hatchet and matches, enough to keep you alive for now. Light clothing means you will be fine as long as weather stays mild, but you can build fires to stay warm.

Lastly the Shipwreck scenario is the most familiar. You swim ashore with your Assault Pack, compass, map and a GPS.. Your swimming attire that doesn't provide much protection, but will keep you warm and out of sight against other players.

Whilst the Military scenario might seem an obvious choice, surviving against bandits and zombies with 1 magazine makes it a very risky spawn. Residents have the chance of spawning near a store or even somewhere close to a military based themselves. Woodland spawners have good gear, but no idea where they are, whereas Shipwreck spawns will have excellent navigation, but are otherwise helpless. To me this fixes the problem of players going south to gank fresh spawns and also adds variety.

Ideas, thoughts or suggestions? This was just a rough idea, I'm not suggesting these should absolutely be the only scenarios, but it gives you a rough idea of what I'm thinking.

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You are going to get flamed for daring something different but i quite like the idea as it could lead to more variety in spawning.

The only issue i could see is the camping on the coast for the pretty rare GPS. I havent come across too many myself and i would be very tempted to slice up a newbie for one.

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The only issue i could see is the camping on the coast for the pretty rare GPS. I havent come across too many myself and i would be very tempted to slice up a newbie for one.

Like I said, they are just rough ideas, I don't think it would be a huge thing if they never spawned with the GPS.

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This not a bad idea at all. Gives different styles of play more room to breath.

Have some beans buddy...

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Like I said, they are just rough ideas, I don't think it would be a huge thing if they never spawned with the GPS.

Perhaps a chance could be involved. Maybe 1 in 50 people start with some special gear

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While the exact details may need tweaking, I do agree that adding random conditions to spawning like this would spice things up and make the game more enjoyable instead of just always the exact same gear, randomly on the beach.

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This is quite the good idea. It might need some adjustments as spawning on the beach with a GPS. But you are entirely right about the state of the game we have now.

I used to head north almost directly and it was there I could find an M4 and perhaps if I was a lucky a ghille. Now I get an AS50, L85, Ghille and a Silenced M9 like 20 min if I run to Elektro/Cherno.

This seems to be a good way to start off.

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I like the ideas over all! Here are some improvement suggestions:

If you add a little role playing to the game why not go a bit more in depth with the characters.

Every character that doesn't spawn with a map or a compass should get a watch this should give him a chance to find out where he is.

The Military spawn is a really high risk high reward spawn I like it! Maybe give him a M9SD and one mag instead of a normal M9 and the clothing should be green in green.

The Resident spawn is a bit over geared I think. One soda can, one can of beans, flash light, backpack, Painkillers and the coat should do it.

The Woodland spawn is fine as it is with the watch.

The Shipwreck spawn shouldn't get a GPS as it would encourage spawn camping to get basically everything you need to navigate. Also a flare gun with one flare, a knife that you can actually use for fighting but also to butcher animals and a fishing rod.

That would be my suggestions.


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I like the spawn ideas. Fairly balanced

For additional spawn:

Farm - winchester, backpack, hatchet and toolbox or something in those lines

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I feel like only the military should spawn with a gun. I get geared fairly quickly and I spawn with nothing.

I would say military gets m9SD and 1 mag + normal spawn stuff.

Resident gets 1 food, 1 soda + normal spawn stuff

Woodland gets 1 hatchet, matches + normal spawn stuff

Shipwreck gets 1 map, hunting knife + normal spawn stuff.

You don't need to gear the classes out if they are spawning in special areas. I feel like you are taking the difficulty out of the game...

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Well, I hope that more end-game will be added, which is why I wasn't too worried about giving out a little bit of gear as a starter. Finding gear and getting ready doesn't take long at all, by preventing people from having binocs or a decent backpack you're only delaying them by about 10-15 minutes. In the mean while, with dogs, bases and much more (hopefully) coming starter gear won't be as big of a deal.

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I really like these ideas. As a few people have said, they need a little tweaking but the overall concept is really good. I think it would decrease people camping fresh spawns and Cherno and Electro a little, also adding a higher element of fear when you spawn, as you could be somewhere up north amongst a clan war or something with nothing to fight back with. I also think that if something like this did happen they should remove your location on screen when you first load into a server. I know lots of players use online loot maps etc, so people always know where they are when they spawn, even if there's not a town in sight. Would be nice to spawn somewhere in a forest and not even have any idea what part of the map you are actually at. Wouldn't really take too long to run somewhere and figure it out, but would be a little more realistic in my opinion.

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you have my beans good sir, i agree that having different spawn scenarios would be good i think there should also be a squad sort of spawn where you each have a different random class and spawn in a different part of the map as joining up together can be difficult for some people especially if they are new to the game. and with the squad spawn you would have enough stuff between you to keep each other alive until you gear up

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I think this would be good for various reasons, but the more I watch and play DayZ the more I realize people just camp the coast. I think having spawn scenarios that spread people out over the map actually gives people a chance to have incredibly different adventures each time they respawn, rather than going through the motions of spawning on the coast.

I really hope Rocket sees this.

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Good idea!

Also different spawn could have few types of spawn like:

Woodland1: crossbow+ 1bolt (its reusable..), canteen empty, food can

woodland2: map, knife, axe, canteen full

woodland3: crossbow no ammo, knife, matches

Make those so that you still have to start seeking for something, maybe all spawn should haves some kind of key item

woodland: map? knife? axe? (moderate spawn)

Beach: compass? map? (moderate spawn)

Residential: food? painkillers? pandage? (common spawn)

Military: "good" weapon, little to no ammo. (rare spawn)

Or something, I would be ok with the OP suggestion.. just remove the GPS :)

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