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Stop fuel leak in helicopter?

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All of the choppers we've found and repaired so far since they got re-enabled all seem to have a minor fuel leak (even though we repaired everything to green). We know this because if we land and sit for 5 minutes, it's noticeable that the fuel level goes down a couple millimeters. It's not really a big deal except if we plan on landing for a long period of time, it always needs to be 'topped up'. Also, once the chopper is completly full, shouldn't the "refuel UH-1H" option disappear (as with any other vehicle). But no, it always gives me the option even though it's totally FULL?!?

So, how do you stop this leak?

Earlier today we came across 2 players attempting to get to Skalisty Island, we killed them, and we found that 1 of them had 7 windscreen glass?!? Why? Is this necessary to stop a fuel leak? ..As in you need to repair a chopper to 100% health INCLUDING the fucking windshields? I always thought that windshield glass was purely optional and unnecessary as long as 3rd person is enabled.

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For some reason you will need to repair all windscreen glasses in order for the helicopter to stop leaking fuel. It is probably a bug but who knows maybe they made that intentional...

From the wiki:

"If the helicopter is not 100% repaired (including Windscreen Glass) the fuel will leak even when the engine is off (NOTE that you must also have all windscreen glass repaired, although this will not appear in the green indicators next to the fuel gauge)."

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"Helicopters continue to leak fuel even after being fully repaired. This issue has yet to be addressed and many servers are stuck with leaky choppers."

source: http://www.dayzwiki....wiki/Known_Bugs

For some reason you will need to repair all windscreen glasses in order for the helicopter to stop leaking fuel. It is probably a bug but who knows maybe they made that intentional...

From the wiki:

"If the helicopter is not 100% repaired (including Windscreen Glass) the fuel will leak even when the engine is off (NOTE that you must also have all windscreen glass repaired, although this will not appear in the green indicators next to the fuel gauge)."

Ahhh. Thanks for the info. Much appreciated. :)

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so wait let me get this straight...

there is NO WAY to stop that damned thing from leaking?!

we repaired _everything_ including the glass and whatnot and the huey still leaks considerably.

is there really no workaround for this?

For some reason you will need to repair all windscreen glasses in order for the helicopter to stop leaking fuel. It is probably a bug but who knows maybe they made that intentional...

do you mean you just have to repair them all for the heli to not leak fuel? Bc. that's not true.. ours still leaks. Or do you mean you have to repair them all but in a certain order (top to bottom?) for the heli to work properly?

Edited by raoul05

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1 AS50 Nato round to the rotor blade stopped it leaking for me.

Grenade or 2 bullets of m249 has the same effect.

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you're not being serious... right? Oo

Edited by raoul05

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so in conclusion, there really is no way to stop helicopters from leaking...?

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no way.

I love flying helicopter. 20m high with 170 km / h by Cherno. currently, it is more than sad

Edited by Mr. Church

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so in conclusion, there really is no way to stop helicopters from leaking...?

This is false.

Thanks to vehicles not saving in and consistently respawning at their "initial" spawn location, I've easily been able to repair 3 helicopters in the past week.

I can confirm that when you've repaired EVERYTHING, the fuel leak stops.

This means:

1x Main Rotor Assembly

1x Engine Parts

4x Scrap Metal

8x Windscreen Glass

Make sure you SCROLL DOWN on the repair menus for scrap/glass since there are more than what just shows up on the initial view of the action menu.

The HUD in the helicopter DOES NOT show the status of all scrap metal repairable parts nor does it show the status of the windscreen repairs. So, the HUD showing "all green" means nothing at all when it comes to the helicopter being fully repaired to the point of no longer leaking fuel.

Again, I've repaired 3 helicopters in the past week and can confirm they do leak like hell UNTIL fully repaired. Then, the fuel lasts forever it seems ;)

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didnt read thread

1 main rotor

1 engine parts

5 scrap metal (instruments, main rotor, secondary rotor, missiles, hull)

8 windshields

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hate to rain on your parades... but i did everything of the above... still leaky..

i've read in another thread that you actually need to repair the last windshield twice for it to stop leaking.. but that sounds like a myth as well... will try tho

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make sure your read know bugs, kids


i did. i also read the post on dev-heaven about leaky choppers on certain servers.. i was just wondering if maybe sb. had already pinpointed the actual problem by now.. or better yet found a workaround.

oh well.. will experiment a little more w this


also, is it just me or does the chopper always and only spawn at skalisty island (1725)? aaand what's w the heaps of glitchy barbwire it sometimes spawns next to?

Edited by raoul05

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ok update-time:

it seems to be okay now (no more leaking). what i did:

1 repair chopper completely (started w scrap metal, engine, rotor, glass)

2 repair the last windshield glass again (scroll to the bottom of the list of repairable glasses and repair the last one again -totalling 9 windshield glasses)

i put two cans in the chopper.. it's been sitting there for roughly half an hour now... and no leaking so far (should've been empty by now if it was in fact leaking)

thanks to "unknownbastard" for his thread (http://dayzmod.com/f...l-from-leaking/)

Edited by raoul05
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This is false.

Thanks to vehicles not saving in and consistently respawning at their "initial" spawn location, I've easily been able to repair 3 helicopters in the past week.

I can confirm that when you've repaired EVERYTHING, the fuel leak stops.

This means:

1x Main Rotor Assembly

1x Engine Parts

4x Scrap Metal

8x Windscreen Glass

Make sure you SCROLL DOWN on the repair menus for scrap/glass since there are more than what just shows up on the initial view of the action menu.

The HUD in the helicopter DOES NOT show the status of all scrap metal repairable parts nor does it show the status of the windscreen repairs. So, the HUD showing "all green" means nothing at all when it comes to the helicopter being fully repaired to the point of no longer leaking fuel.

Again, I've repaired 3 helicopters in the past week and can confirm they do leak like hell UNTIL fully repaired. Then, the fuel lasts forever it seems ;)

Exactly my experience. I've already fixed a few of these so called mysterious leaks by replacing every single part in the order listed in the HUD even if each one is listed green. The wiki page which refers to the known bugs is very vague, and doesn't account for the possibility that "fully repaired" helis might be ignoring a bigger bug in which a partially damaged heli might be read as fully repaired. I noticed that the fuel problem typically follows a rough landing in my case, which slightly damages certain parts of the heli but never gives the slightest clue as to which it is.

My solution is to fix parts in groups before checking for leaks, first the engine, then the rotor, then scrap metal and finally glass, and this chases the leak down all the time.

It's highly likely that all they need to do to fix this mysterious fuel leak dilemma is to fix the HUD.

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Nice 2 month old thread necromancy. That's definitely not an annoying thing to do.

Why no fuel tank? You'd have to ask Bohemia Interactive's designers of their helicopters. The helicopters simply do not have a Hit Point defined in their model for a fuel tank. So, it's impossible for a "Fuel Tank" to be damaged in ARMA2 through normal means. Therefore, they do not spawn in DayZ with a fuel tanks broken.

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Since someone necro'd this old thread, I might as well use this thread to ask if anyone has a few spare windscrenns, because as of effing five minutes ago, I've got a bit of a fuel leak myself...


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Even if everything is green, you can still have damaged glass, without all the glass repaired, the huey wil leak for sure

i guess it's intentionall, but i have no idea if it's right

the huey wasn't really build for quality in its times, more for mass production, maybe those two glasses in front have some connection to the fuel?

also, it makes the huey the hardest t repair vehicle, else it would be even easier to repair than a car (4 wheels, engine against one mainr rotor, a scrap metal and an engine)

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