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Why do i want to look at my watch ? Wasd is always changed to my arrows..since the day i brought my first pc.

As a supposed arma vet why do you come across as a full noob ? Seriously..you ran for an hour trying to lose a zed..? What did you do when you got arma..Jump on the forums and start with your 'Oh man this game blows , i get shot from 800 metres away and cannot find the shooter, i cant fly the heli , i cant drive the bmp, what a pos ' ? Or did you take your time , do some tutorials and work it out ?

Come in here telling everyone the mod is shit because you cannot play it, could not be bothered to work out or even find out how to avoid the zeds..the very first basic of the game then tell everyone how long you been gaming ? My partner has only been gaming since about 2007..and i am afraid she would walk rings around you pal.

Sorry sir.. Minus Beanz for your lack of skills in the way you represent yourself and come across.

Arma gave you a gun, you could at least fight back enemies. I can play infantry, driver tank, fly choppers and fly planes in ArmA so I don't get your point?. I tried to shake that zombie but he had aimbot, lucky for me, he had no gun. I don't give a shit if your partner has been gaming since the 1900's or 1997 nor do I care if she/he can walk rings around me, stick a cucumber in that port hole. You will thank me once you're comp stop leaking battery acid.

Oh no, my internert skills and feelings are hurt, lol

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Arma gave you a gun, you could at least fight back enemies. I can play infantry, driver tank, fly choppers and fly planes in ArmA so I don't get your point?. I tried to shake that zombie but he had aimbot, lucky for me, he had no gun. I don't give a shit if your partner has been gaming since the 1900's or 1997 nor do I care if she/he can walk rings around me, stick a cucumber in that port hole. You will thank me once you're comp stop leaking battery acid.

Oh no, my internert skills and feelings are hurt, lol

You have shit grammar and shit logic skills, slit your own throat

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You have shit grammar and shit logic skills, slit your own throat

I tried, but no go. Must be the thick skin of your moms beaver.

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It is people like this as to why I am thankful for not being brought up on the generation of hand me down spoon fed CoD. He keeps telling everyone he was playing games before they were born and has played Arma2 and blaw blaw but he still sucks at the game. Time to move on to a new thread.

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lololz this guy made an account just to tell you how dumb you are. That about sums it up

I'm only coming back to piss you off.

Next: Obvi troll is obvi.

You guys posting 1/2 page long serious responses make me lol <_<

Obvious flamebait is obvious.

+1 postcount.

Amazing how few people in this thread realize OP is just trolling them hard.


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OP, you tried the mod and found it wasn't for you, so just move on to something else. There's plenty more games out there for you.

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LMAO, I'm a ArmA2 vet and ArmA1 vet, I was playing Operation Flashpoint while you were swimming in your daddies nutsack.

Look out guys we got a bad ass here! (btw spell check wont hurt and if you are that old then you could afford an edumacation or what ever that hard word is...)

but the game HAS no direction except survive it's an open ended game meaning you can do what ever you want. also zombies arent the only thing out there to kill you even in real life apacolypse, bandits will be everywhere then too.

so stop being so butt hurt, stop playing if it's not your cup of tea, and get on with your life, trust me no one will care if you play or not~

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Thank you for proving me that the game does indeed suck. No further feedback on why the game is one of the best experiences you had for a game nor why you think the game is good. Complicated, HAH, running in a straight is not complicated. CoD requires more then running in a straight line.

Your a good troll, but that gave you away.

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Your a good troll, but that gave you away.

Funny, I can make a video, an hour's length and not encounter anything in DayZ. If you ask me, this game trolls you more then I troll you.

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Next: Obvi troll is obvi.

You guys posting 1/2 page long serious responses make me lol <_<


Correct , its early and i am clearly not fully awake yet ..chances were he was just a really bad gamer but it turns out he is simply a troll..my mistake :)

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The game is a joke when I was literally running for an hour of real time into no where. If I want to run for an hour, I'll run outside.

Don't stress over it dude, your not alone, the other guy that didn't understand the mod quit weeks ago.

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Don't stress over it dude, your not alone, the other guy that didn't understand the mod quit weeks ago.

Not stressing dude. I'm just telling you how bad DayZ really is. You guys are like race horses, blinded at the side and can only see one way.

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What DayZ needs is NPC's with exclamation points over their heads.

"Hello Survivor! I used to be in the recycling industry before the apocalypse. Go get me 15 bent tin cans from Kamenka over there and I'll reward you with a Makerov."

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LMAO, I'm a ArmA2 vet and ArmA1 vet, I was playing Operation Flashpoint while you were swimming in your daddies nutsack.

Really? Because you seemed really surprised to not be able to enter a lot of the buildings...and you've only tried DayZ now, months after it came out? I hate to feed a troll but you should really stop before you "embrasses yourself" further.

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Really? Because you seemed really surprised to not be able to enter a lot of the buildings...and you've only tried DayZ now, months after it came out? I hate to feed a troll but you should really stop before you "embrasses yourself" further.

I can enter more buildings in ArmA 2 then I can DayZ. Embrass myself, LMAO, tell someone who gives a shit.

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You haven't even played ArmA 2. DayZ uses the EXACT EXACT. Same map as ArmA 2. Fail troll is fail

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You haven't even played ArmA 2. DayZ uses the EXACT EXACT. Same map as ArmA 2. Fail troll is fail

Never played Arma2 LMAO, according to Steam, I have 78 hours played

You sound as dumb as you look in your pic.

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Troll is trolling so trollish is the little troll!

Trying to hard, constantly posting. 2/10.

Edited by daedrick

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Not stressing dude. I'm just telling you how bad DayZ really is. You guys are like race horses, blinded at the side and can only see one way.

If you keep going i may have an ephinany soon...i mean really. You are offering so much advice for and against dayz v leisure suit larry and other mighty games you have played that i feel like i am wasting my time enjoying myself in this game trying to compete with people and their 'arma vet' skills. btw ..i have arma since release, would not run on my home built sli machine as it was so buggy..tried t get it up and running for a long time , did not whine once on the forums and come across like a chump.

Want a running race when you go outside in rl ? I got the blue ribbon in primary school for the 100 and 200 meters..yes..im a track vet. Didnt even use W once either.

Love you man :)

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