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Massive Lag and FPS drop

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I have been playing Dayz for about a month, everything running smoothly, and just the other day, no matter what server i connect to i start to lag really hard. Then again i tried today, but even the menu screen for arma 2 is lagging, my computer can handle the game fine and this issue has just started, does anybody know how to fix this? I have tried restarting my computer, reinstalling arma2 and arma 2 operation arrowhead.

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Also effecting me, being in a highrisk area this really effects my gameplay so I can't even play at all due to the fact that i'd lag at the wrong moment :/

Anyone gets any reports on how to fix this do reply!!

Edited by EnglishDish

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Yeah, same. I didn't even change Beta or DayZ version, and all of a sudden i'm running 5 FPS if i'm lucky.

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Same problem here i guess, normally i play with 20 FPS ( i know this isnt much , but its ok), but then after playing a little, like 3-5 Minutes, the ground begins to flicker, it flickers white, something i look through it, like seeing buggy grounds, and then my FPS drops down to 4 FPS, its so fucked up ,anyone know how to fix it?

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Same, specially in high population areas like Cherno/Elektro/Nowy,Stary Sobor/Berezino/Kamenka/Solinichny.

It's just impossible to play. we found a truck two days ago and my two friends were shot by a sniper, luckily I took control of that truck south of Gorka where we got attacked in the quarry and I left that place getting shot by Snipers, rookies and a helicopter o.O

Nearly every part was red and my companions spawned at Cherno and Jesus Christ... Going in a VS3 Civilian through the bloody coast with 35/40 people on the server, growing with each minute... Going through Elektro was a disaster, meeting three random people who obviously didn't wanna ask for a ride the nice way, my windscreens were destroyed from that sniper who killed my friends before and the whole thing started looking like a junkyard on wheels. It was impossible to go through it but somehow I made it, then going to Cherno was even a bigger risk because I encountered six people, only one didn't shoot, rest decided to try taking me out with Revolvers and some Enfields but I never thought my driving skills (luck?) would be that great. It's just impossible to play and that problem started yesterday / the day yesterday during night time. (GMT +2)

Now that my truck is safe, got a working UAZ, campsite and a Helicopter that needs only the Engine I am getting to a point where I want to punch my screen for the game letting me down on my biggest finds in it.

Of course as it started I found 8 crash sites in two days just by traveling and not looking for them, then in the middle of a night when server hopped for a friend to pick me up we find a Helicopter in a moonless night which we found by luck because we spotted the rotor since the stars were behind it and the truck light which we never use was turned on by mistake.


Edited by Snafu18

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This isn't a DayZ specific problem

I recently had this problem too with extremely low fps (capping at 20 something, and going as low as 3) I was normally able to play Arma 2 OA and DayZ with no trouble whatsoever, but suddenly i started getting this.

Extremely frustrated i tried remembering what i had done before this happened.

Installed ACE mod.

Installed Battleye update when i joined a server.

Changed video settings

Tried removing ACE (obviously) no change, as it's not used in dayz at all.

Tried changing video settings, both in game and in configs. Nothing.

BUT THEN! As a last resort i went to the battleye website http://www.battleye.com/download.html And got the correct .dll file, pasted it where it was supposed to, and prayed for the best

Went into arma 2 oa hoping for the best (i had basically given up) and holy S#"% it worked.

I hope this will work for you guys as well. Keep in mind, i had a high fps beforehand, and suddenly after the battleye update, it went bad.

TL;DR I may have fixed the sudden fps drop. go here http://www.battleye.com/download.html Paste into correct folder, and hope for the best.

Update: After i quit the game and entered it again, the fps drop returned. Now i'm confused...

Update 2: I just tried launching arma 2 oa directly from the folder in steamapps/common. Now the FPS is high again.

Uh.. try both things? dayz doesn't launch with steam, so do the .dll thing and see if it works. This is really weird.

Edited by Thhye
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If this helps I love you man.


Edited by Snafu18

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I tried looking all over my PC to find the battleye folder.. but i dont have it?? is it because i bought & downloaded the game from steam?

ugh this chit confuses the hell out of me lol

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I tried looking all over my PC to find the battleye folder.. but i dont have it?? is it because i bought & downloaded the game from steam?

ugh this chit confuses the hell out of me lol

Try this directory if you are on steam

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\BattlEye


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hi guys!

I had trouble with these fps spikes, so i started looking for fixes. Eventually I found a forum which said it was the newest beta patch causing it. So i downloaded a previous beta patch (using 'dayz commander', I highly recommend you all download it if you havn't already) and my fps seems to have gone back to normal! I am now using beta patch 95248 and some servers still use it, so theres a fix until a new dayz patch comes out (or beta patch).

This beta patch will work on all servers running the previous beta patches as well!

Anyways, I hoped this helped some of you guys out and I hope to see you in dayz some day!

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hi guys!

I had trouble with these fps spikes, so i started looking for fixes. Eventually I found a forum which said it was the newest beta patch causing it. So i downloaded a previous beta patch (using 'dayz commander', I highly recommend you all download it if you havn't already) and my fps seems to have gone back to normal! I am now using beta patch 95248 and some servers still use it, so theres a fix until a new dayz patch comes out (or beta patch).

This beta patch will work on all servers running the previous beta patches as well!

Anyways, I hoped this helped some of you guys out and I hope to see you in dayz some day!

Edited by jamez123698

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Looks like there's already a solution here, so I'll just blind paste the one I've been putting in all these separate threads for good measure :D

Possible Solution

Might have a solution folks, certainly seems to be working for me:

Open your "My Documents" (or just Documents on Vista/Win7), and go into the "ArmA 2" folder, you should see the folder "@DayZ".

If there are any other folders beginning with "@", Delete them and start the game over.

I had "@CBA", "@CBA_A2" and "@CBA_OA". I don't know what any of them are, but by removing them I now have over 50 FPS back steady in towns and 60+ in the countryside. This is after two days of terrible below 5 fps game play.

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i found a fix well if none of the above worked i started up task manager (to open it up right click on the task bar or hold CTRL + ALT +DEL) and i found a program using using 25% of my CPU i end it then start dayZ and FUCK YEA its working after a month of this shit i fixed it :D :rolleyes: :)

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before -

low - 70 - 80 fps

normal - 50 - 60 fps

high - 30 - 50 fps


low - 12 - 18 fps

normal 14 - 20 fps

high 28 - 28 fps


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