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Cheater,Hacker "Schrimp" DE282 today

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Went up this rocky mountain at Elektro and found some tents, all empty. But behind those tents i've found this sniper statue, already dead. In a hurry, i took his gear and ran away, but wondered about the strange scope mounted on the gun. And yes, it was another AS50 TWS. Afaik it must be hacked in.But thanks for the other premium gear... :)



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i founded 2 as50 thermal today, a GOLD revolver (lol?) but i didnt pick them up.. and i think you are like a hacker if you take their gear...

ah yes, i've been killed 6 times today on 6 different servers.. nice job battleye

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Are there any threads left in this forum without any insults ? If you've read my post thoroughly then you may have learned that i didn't take the TWS, only the legit stuff. After i did that screenshot i took the Enfiled back, because i don't want to get banned. And taking the legit stuff from a dead player is not cheating. And everybody should have learned that the TWS is not legit. There are hundreds of threads. So this is no excuse anymore. You're not able to read a post thoroughly but always quick with an insult.

Edited by gambla

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