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Zombie chest/heart shot = instant death?

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Lately (I believe since was released) I've noticed that one shot from my M16A4 ACOG when aimed at the area of the heart, upper chest, and neck area, seems to be a 1 hit kill on Zombies.

I confirmed this last night, from multiple angles.

Zombie facing me, zombie with it's back to me, zombie hopping, and zombie crawling.

1 M16 round = 3555 blood

Zombie health = 4400 blood

Can anyone confirm, deny, or explain this?

Up until now I've reliably had to double click to close Zombie, when aiming center mass.

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Zombies should only die from headshots, it'd make the game harder and while the hit box for their head is terrible now it could be better in standalone, but yeah I've noticed one shot m16 kills and shooting them in the leg breaks it

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Ok admittedly, I'm not so tech savy that I know which things are handled by ArmaII, and which are handled by the mod. I made an assumption I shouldn't have.

Come to think of it, maybe I've seen this since 96061, and not since

Either way, if it's true, it's a significant change IMO.

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It's called a lucky shot.

Is that built in?

"Some shots will 1 hit kill randomly."?

I swear I had 1 shot kills back to back to back, with shots to the chest of zombies.

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Zombies should only die from headshots, it'd make the game harder and while the hit box for their head is terrible now it could be better in standalone, but yeah I've noticed one shot m16 kills and shooting them in the leg breaks it

I'm not crazy about the whole "only die from headshot" thing.

ESPECIALLY if they are "infected", and not undead, and need a heart to pump blood.

If you're going to go the headshot route, then you need to have a mechanic for all levels of body mutilation right up to a zombie being just a head.

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This is odd. At least in definition of the word "zombie". Zombie's should not require a heart to live, seeing as death permanently stops the heart. A headshot would be more realistic for a one hit kill, since it houses the brain, which is required for the animal in question, zombie or not, to move.

However, Rocket has stated multiple times that this is not a "zombie" as pop culture describes it, but more as a living, breathing person with a virus/disease. Maybe this might be a sign that they are serious about that idea, so that an infected person would die by a heartshot rapidly, too, instead of it just absorbing the round and sprinting at you. If this a legitimate change, and not just lag/ mopping up someone else's kill, then im glad.

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