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Acheron (DayZ)

Rewarding bad and good players. My idea

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So I figured in a game like this you can't just simply reward good players or people will get pissy on either side.

So lets start off with the bad players. The bandits that kill on sight the ruthless bastards.

I don't think all bandits are bad for starters some are just trying to survive the best way they know how and that way is to shoot first then ask questions later. Some or just crazy and the zombies are boring them so they need a bit more of a challenge and what better then human sport!

So you reward these types of players with more customization options, customization options that get unlocked over time.

Like they can get hockey masks and other nasty, scary looking pieces of outfits.

Another thing they could have in the game are NCP camps but only 2 or 3 main bases runned by NCP's and these bases or forts could be instances or not depending on the game and if it can support these forts without the instances.

So lets get to the bad guy base or fort first..

First off you get the heads from players you kill and take their ears, there can be a menu system where you can look at the players you kill, and see their faces and names just for shits and giggles.

Now in these bandit camps any one can come inside and its safe but you have to be a bad mofo to do some of the quests in those camps.

Here is the catch tho they will never reward you with guns for being a bandit but they will reward you with ammo and food for being a nasty son of a bitch as long as you complete their quests. All the quests are the same basically.

Quests like this dude needs Wine or this dude needs car parts, that dude needs 10 cans of food and so on and so forth one of the higher ended quests might be to bring back military grade guns. I was thinking of another reward for bandits and thought they could get a really big kick ass looking hatchet and harley davidson motorcycle as a really good reward for players that have been bad ass bandits for a while.

Now lets talk good guys!

As a good guy you don't really get any cool extra customization but you work hard and your hard work can pays off.

For the good guys there are 2 places. The slums where any player can go even bad guys but no one wants your help if your a bad guy so no questing for the bads.

So you have your slums then think of a really fancy building in the center. Think fiddlers green from land of the dead.

Really nice luxury fancy building with rich people.

But you have to earn your way in to that place by doing quests in the slums and not killing innocent players.

Once you have obtained the status to get into the super fancy building AKA Fiddlers green.

You get a ID and 500 Credits where you use the credits to buy all sorts of things..

They are ID credits meaning you can't trade them they are not even real but they are gold still.

You get a ID with with all your info and its like a credit card but one you can only use in this building and you can use it for any thing..

You get a room a nice room and you can customize it to your liking if you have enough credits.

Your room would be its own instance.

Or you can spend your credits on a nice vehicle, weapons, ammo, food..

See the main difference is in this place the owners of the building are rich and safe and they will pay or give you any thing you need to stay that way..

Unlike the bandit camps the leaders of those camps are bad asses and they made their camps safe on their owns so they don't need you as much as the rich people do...

I think these things are also a great end game for players that know how to survive longer then a day..

It gives players a reason to do good or bad or to survive longer then 20-30 minutes and it gives players plenty of things to do..

Edited by Acheron
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Anyone else click on here saw how much was written and just clicked off? :lol:

Such a idea isn´t told with a three line text ;)

Take your time and read before you writing useless bullshit :)

To OP:

You have my beans :)

Edited by Polli
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Thanks and I was thinking more on the bandits and their hatchet. I think once they earn that hatchet for them and them only its a one hit kill and it never breaks but only for them. If another player some now kill's this bad ass mofo and get's their hatchet they simply are just not strong enough to wield it the same way as the bandit that earned the hatchet they can use it still but it breaks after a while and it's not a one hit kill any more..

I came up with this idea thinking how scary it could be to see a gang of bikers with their scary faces and hatches roaming the streets just destroying and taking whatever they wanted. They would become the ultimate looter once they got their motorcycle and bad ass hatchet. I just don't think you can have a really good apocalypse without a nasty ruthless gang of bikers. Pretty much any good apocalypse movie or book I have ever watched or read has had a really nasty group like that. So why not dayz too?

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NPCs? Quests? Jesus, this is not an RPG. Adding human NPCs has been brought up countless times before, and I guess quests have a fair bit too, and generally hated on by the community. Rocket even said it; this game is more of a social experiment than anything else. It's not even a game. Giving it any form of "system" would ruin the fact that the game's mechanics are run purely by player decisions, and not by developer-made events. This game is shaped by the people who play it. This means that, if it was given a "system" and if there was still civilization, the ever-changing mechanics would be set in place and DayZ would no longer be what it's meant to be.

Sorry, but I personally disagree strongly with this idea. Just giving you some criticism.

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Way too RPG for this game...

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Blakdewwy I'll be honest I don't care for your pointless criticism it doesn't hurt me or my idea, its sorta laughable to be honest listening to you rant about some ones idea. Your the type of person that wants to hold back the games development..

The reason why the game should have NCPs is because in RL people would be doing these things 24 hours a day. Dayz is just a game and people really can't do these things and don't wanna do these things on their own for 24 hours a day because guess what its not real life lol.

Blakdewwy the reason why I think your laughable is because the game is already the way you want it to be, its 100% player driven right now and I don't see strong holds of players holding down a city and claiming it as there main base do you?? Oh that's right they don't have enough people to stay on 24/7 to do that sorta thing.

In rl there would be safe places that people will make but the difference is its RL you can't do that in a game with real people because people can't stay on 24/7 to stand watch at some virtual post but a NCP can so ya, learn to think outside the box.

At the end of the day you can call it whatever you want but it's still a game and you can't get people to do these sorta things you want them to do, that a real life person could do if this was to really happen.

I'm laughing at you too MZLY because this game is an RPG already lol.. Do you even know what RPG means and what it stands for?

It's not wow with zombies trust me lol.

Look up RPG before you go ZOMG questing=RPG.

Most games have some sorta questing or mission system, I guess if I called them missions instead of questing you wouldn't assume RPG? :P

And like I said at the end of the game no mater what you call it, it's still a game.

Edited by Acheron

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Acheron, please cut the attitude. If you are going to practically troll someone who dislikes your ideas, that means you are only accepting compliments. If you only accept compliments, you don't belong on this forum. Rocket has said himself that NPCs are a terrible idea (so have other members of the team).

You also appear to have ignored half of my post. I accepted and built upon one of your ideas in a positive manner, yet you seem to think I want to "hold back the game's development" by judging me on a single post on a single thread.

It's nice to have people who add ideas, but not people who are rude and will negatively reject any criticism they receive. Especially the fact that I was quite obviously giving my true opinion on it, rather than lying just to make you feel happy. Acheron, the community won't accept people with this kind of attitude so please accept negativity, as that will generally happen in everyone's lifetime; some more than others. Telling me to think outside the box is also rude.

Summed up; I am assuming you're of a young age and that you will only accept compliments so I suggest nobody replies to this post and instead make your own. You haven't even read entirely what I've said as you have made points which aren't even relevant to what I've said, and I generally presume you are immature.

And for the love of god, spell my name right.

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Now you're just being childish, any mature person would just accept their mistake rather than trying to find every single mistake the other person made.

If you are going to continue like this, get off these forums. You aren't wanted.

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