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Rick (DayZ)

About my previous post (i'ts again me, indie-developer from Russia)

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People why my previous post been removed? I cant find them. And more over somebody remove my account and i made the registration process again. My english so much bad that somebody erase my account?

I just want to help with a DayZ mod. No more. My message have no advertise, only my presonal 3D-work (beans model and guns models).

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Probably because we had to roll back the forums one day. A large number of posts were lost I am afraid.

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Once you've made a new post please put a link here, I would like to see your work =D!

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Hey man, no, you werent a target for evil discrimination, but a hacker crashed everything. Everyone has lost posts and threads thanks to that. Nothing you can do man, just repost your stuff, because its great!

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Don't get your hopes down, I liked your last post, just remake it!

As Legacy said, you've got some great potential! :p

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Your last post was great. The forum just had to roll back because of "Hackers"

Just repost it :)

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Agree with all above. I remember seeing your post the first time Rick. Pretty awesome work.

Post it again dude :)

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Repost Repost Repost. I saw that thread and I loved it.

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