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Devils castle NY25.

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The thread seems to have went missing , but don't fear.

NWO camp is on the NY25 server at devils castle. good looting opportunity.

Info so far -

3+ guards with heavy weapons (DMR , mk48)

10+ tents.


2 tractors, 3 bicycles, 2 ATV's, 1 Offroad (white).

Organise up and take all you can.

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Ive tried a few times by myself , it's well guarded , so i figure ill let others wear you down first.

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They had two NY25's up, shared database. Went on the one without NwO on and ran all the tents over, looks like they lost everything (hopefully).

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Oh and... they have 2 tractors, 3 bicycles, 2 ATV's, 1 Offroad (white). That's what was in their base, plenty of duped tents aswell.

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Cleared and burned.

Also nice tent duping.

pics or it didn't happen :p

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You realize by posting this all you most likely did was cause them to move the location of the tents?

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So, is Devil's Castle a pretty common camp point? My character got murdered on that mountain last night. It was a 25 person server and I didn't expect anyone to be around, but he popped me in the head twice. At least he apologized as I had some decent kit. Oh well.

Makes sense to me now though. Far north. Surrounded by little more than forests and a high tower to watch from, and easy rear access to NW airfield. Clearly a good location for a base.

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It's not that great of a location unless you have people to guard it 24/7. Even then, it's a bad idea since someone could just ghost in and shoot the guards in their backs.


In addition to that, the forests surrounding it are actually more of a liability than an asset, as attackers/snipers would have an easy time getting close to the tower. The fact that it's well known also means that more people/bandits will wander over to it, which is exactly what you DON'T want.

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Ghosters are getting banned now. This is a pretty lame post anyway. Someone is butt hurt about getting shot....

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i don't know what a ghoster is.

Im not upset about being shot , your guys just happen to have a very easily spotted ideal target for looting and i wanted to share it with fellow bandits.

People share information all the time on private forums , just because you can see it here doesn't make it any worse. Adapt.

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i don't know what a ghoster is.

Im not upset about being shot ' date=' your guys just happen to have a very easily spotted ideal target for looting and i wanted to share it with fellow bandits.

People share information all the time on private forums , just because you can see it here doesn't make it any worse. Adapt.


sure you "don't know what a ghoster is." you ghost all the time.

edit: by the way next time you ghost in and im there i will make sure you get banned from our server.

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until someone explains it to me , how will i know if im doing it?

We aren't all "tacticool" gamers like yourself.

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you try and be nice to fellow bandits and all you get it complaints from survivors....

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A ghoster is someone who goes to a certain location on a different server then connects to the desired server to get into a base or camp.

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A ghoster is someone who goes to a certain location on a different server then connects to the desired server to get into a base or camp.

Oh well i most certainly don't do that.

I went up to devils castle twice and both times i walked up from spawn and was killed. I did manage to sneak inside the 2nd time and kill 2 people during a lag spike which they may have mistaken for me spawning there.

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arent that place filled up with zeds? u guys kill them everytime when they spawned??

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I've never seen this preponderance of zombies everybody talks about.

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