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[GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

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Ingame name: Dopeytjen

Steam Name: sashacakes

Age: 20

Mic: yup

Preferred role: assault

Timezone: GMT+1 (tho I play in the late hours, so no problem for you guys.)

How often do you play a day and at what times: A few times a week, depends wether or not i'm up for it. And between 2AM and 5AM my time

Bandit: No

Survivor: Yes

Humanity: Varies

Hacker or scripter: Obviously not.

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Actually forget my application. I've seen some of the videos and read through alot of the posts and the entirety of the main article and wow. Just wow.

Good luck, you'll likely need it.

If you're referring to me gunning down the new spawns in the Ural, that was a complete accident. Never meant to kill those 2 guys, i don't even know how it happened. I intentionally shot at the guy in the back but that was to make him abort, how i killed the driver i don't even know. We ended up driving down the road for a few minutes and 1 of the guys we killed had spawned it solichney and we offered him a ride but he just ran around the truck a few times, got in the passenger seat, got out, got in the back, and got out, and continued to run around the truck some more so we just left. Also, we kill each other more than we kill the people trying to kill us do to mass confusion. That was the only time we've ever killed a new spawn, except for this 1 time when Bangarang led a new spawn to Doc who killed him with an axe just because but other than that we only shoot people who have the bandit skin.

I've personally killed 4-6 bandits alone, and even got into multiple gunfights with the clan CN or NC or something like that who are all bandits.

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Ingame name: Colombus

Steam Name: TrampoAG

Age: 16

Mic: Yes

Preferred role: Assault / Sniper

Timezone: -6:00 GMT

How often do you play a day and at what times: Late at night, everyday.

Bandit: No.

Survivor: Yeah, i shoot if they pose a serious threat.

Humanity: Around 2400.

Hacker or scripter: Nope.

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Ingame name: Nathaniel

Steam Name:Turkeysub3


Mic: yes

Preferred role: Sniper but im currently looking for a rifle

Timezone: Central us time

How often do you play a day and at what times:i play all the time its the only game i play


Survivor: yes

Humanity: 2500

Hacker or scripter:no

My Questions :

1. You said i need teamspeak but what is that all i know of is skype so how do i get it ?

2.i want to be a sniper but i am currently looking for a sniper rifle will that disqualify me from applying?

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Ingame name:MiShA

Steam Name:Nyx

Age: 25

Mic: Yes

Preferred role:Medic/Scav

Timezone:UTC/GMT -7 hours

How often do you play a day and at what times: 3pm-4am

Bandit: No.

Survivor: Yeah


Hacker or scripter: No

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Spawn in elektro, meet up with Paul, get sniped in the leg by some douchebag sniper on sniper hill. Paul nicely heals me and we go sniper hunting.

I shoot a bandit on the hill who I thought was the guy who shot me, but when I looted the body he didn't have a sniper rifle. Uh oh.

Find another dead bandit on the hill with a thermal as50, must have been the first sniper. Start taking fire from another as50 on the opposite hillside. Fortunately his aim sucks.

Looked around that hilside for 30 minutes and couldn't find him. Came back an hour later after meeting up with Holy to hide the body with the as50 thermal, and start taking fire AGAIN from the same damn sniper. He misses again. Still couldn't find him.

I hate snipers. Especially that guy.

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That sniper have the worst aim possible. As I laid down behind the tree, he shoot at least 20 times but only manage to hit me twice for like the whole 5 min I laid down. And I 100% sure that guy use the hacked in thermal as50 since the opposite of the sniper hill crusher, Paul and me is completely cover in fog, aka cannot see shit accross elektro but he still manage to know where we at. Oh well guess even with that weapon he still failed to kill even one lmao

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Ingame name: PheoniX

Steam Name: rybob

Age: 16

Mic: yes

Preferred role: medic/support/assault , i get fps lag so i cant shoot players to well but i do have an l85a2 thermal.

Timezone: Eastern coast USA i wanna say its GMT -5

How often do you play a day and at what times: i used to play a ton until my whole team betrayed me and started keeping secrets then i left them in fear of my life and what might happen.

Bandit: i hate killing people if there is a way to avoid it i do i only kill if necessary or someone says TAKE THE SHOT!!! or if i need supplies really bad

Survivor:i have been alive for a long time dunno what your asking about here

Humanity: last time i checked 3000+

Hacker or scripter: i dont do this again i dont know what your asking here the best coding i can do is HTML coding and im still basic at it

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Actually forget my application. I've seen some of the videos and read through alot of the posts and the entirety of the main article and wow. Just wow.

Good luck, you'll likely need it.

Someone who plays DayZ without a mic and applies for the position of "pornstar"... You're f*cking delusional if you think you'll be accepted anyway. Don't worry bro, your application was forgotten LONG ago.

Have a nice day,


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Clan GoC is officially clan DoC, Douche bags of Chernarus. Operation Genocide is a go, we are KOSing everyone. Please do not apply, you will not be accepted. We will be back to our do goodness when the standalone is released. May god have mercy on your souls for we will not.

Edited by Littleassassin2

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Ingame name:Dean

Steam Name:Mrbananajew



Preferred role:Anything......


How often do you play a day and at what times:most days and between 4pm-9pm




Hacker or scripter:no and never will be

you said you want 16+ gamers but i'd like to play with one of the members so he can assess me....

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