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BattleEye: Global Ban #9f0d

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Just banned for no reason at all. Never hacked in my life. Just running along and bam kicked from game with this bull@#$!

Now i'm globally Banned and don't know why.

Googled the code and there is nothing on it at all.

Bravo BattleEye..YOU SUCK!

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Calm down, seems like it happens to everyone getting BE updated, otherwise you get kicked off after 3rd attempt.

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I just had about 5 users get hit with this. Looking into it. They however had been hit with: #c3eb

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My server got hit, we had 38/40 players and now we have 2. It's a global issue. The number with # is the ban ID, it''s unique to each player.

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I had the same problem after joining a .4 server by accident. Never hacked either. Mine is #f6aa

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Yeah. Two friends were banned this time around. Who I am 100% positive are not scripters. So, I will never accuse another person of scripting/hacking in a game that uses this anti-cheat. Battle Eye is complete shit.

They are now unbanned... Interesting.

Edited by Wallberot

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Hey BattleWank, you useless piece of shit, FUCK YOU!

Firebomb the inbred monkeys who code that crap.

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i got global ban #90b6 wtf.....i dont use any hack,,omfg.!!! i send one ticket for team dayz T___T

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Lol, I was a lucky one. I got kicked off twice, then it successfully updated. Maybe it had something to do with the fact I was on my small clan's server at the time? Only had three ransoms, myself, and a friend on.

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You might want to check your CD key hasn't been stolen...

Recently many users have contacted us regarding this specific ban. We've investigated the problem and found that it's a problem with Steam falsely assigning the same (banned) cd-key to many users. Some users reported that reinstalling the game fixed the problem for them, so we suggest that as a temporary solution.

We're in contact with the game developers and they have already informed Valve about this problem. We will post an update once they have fixed the issue in their system.

Update: False alarm. This is simply caused by a fake hack that is in fact a cd-key stealer. It also overwrites the user's actual cd-key with a banned one resulting in this very ban ID. This news post will be removed shortly as there is no point in mentioning such things. After all it's the cheaters' fault for getting themselves banned like this.

Edited by sostronk

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