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looking to team up

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im looking for 2-3 people who would like to team up. im on the east coast of US. looking for people who aren't afraid to kill other players.people who arent afraid to go to cherno. mic required and teamspeak

steam id-Drogan6

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looking for people who aren't afraid to kill other players.people who arent afraid to go to cherno. mic required and teamspeak

Love your "Arent afraid" this is all the game needs is another Rambo kid...... Hope you find players who "Arent afraid" of this game... :angel:

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dont post in the forums about this man. the easiest way for me was to run up to some survivor that was in need of help with your weapon down. Me and my buddies have always made new friends like that.

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Not going to lie but this is going to get you killed. PKers like myself will follow this but will be cautious when rolling up on you than kill you from a distance. Word of advice only play with people you actually know.

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