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{GB} Ghillie Bandits

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LOL your clan is a joke. I sniped you guys and you kicked everyone off the server and restarted it...so bad

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LOL your clan is a joke. I sniped you guys and you kicked everyone off the server and restarted it...so bad

Actually, if you must know, you ignorant twirp, there was 2 hackers from [LOST] running around with Infinity ammo, helicopter, teleporting, invisibility hacks. We don't mind dying if you're good enough to kill us, but we had to kick everyone and shut down the server to go through the logs and ban/report the hackers. Next time don't act like a cocky kid when you don't know your facts.

Edited by 2ndOmen

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LOL your clan is a joke. I sniped you guys and you kicked everyone off the server and restarted it...so bad

If you havent been paying attention when you're on the server you idiot you would noticed my server is being FLAMED by hackers. My server is being turned off tonight until further notice and maybe for good, Since the devs refuse to give us the power that we need to clean out the idiot hackers i cant BAN a single person from my server without script logs proof. kind of cant BAN a freaking person when they are using god damn bypasses. DAYZ DEVS GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND LET US ADMIN OUR SERVERS

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