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Back to the shoreline

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Hi boys and girls!

I have encountered a bug which takes you back to the shoreline 3 times in 2 days. Any known reasons to cause it? Like logging out near trees or something? Last night we took a helluva trip from Cherno/Elektro towards north with my friend. We logged out and today tried to come back. I found myself at the shore with all my gear on thankfully enough.. And after I ran back to the spot where my friend was logged out, he got the bug, and I got the same bug again; back to shoreline. Also my friend got send to Skalisty Island with all the superior gear he had (All the items on low slots) and that foolish man tried to swim abck to shore, before I ever had time to warn him about losing the gear.. I noticed that he may tried to swim after he ended his 5min long monology containing pretty much sworing.

But hell!!! Im just getting greatly annoyed about this "back to the square one" bug. 3 times already.

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You keep joining servers running a different version to you

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You keep joining servers running a different version to you

So it throws you back to shore and cant get back even using the same version server then? for me its showing same versions from DCommander.

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If you run an Arma 2 beta patch that is different than the server you're joining then you will log in at the coast.

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