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Setup completed , please wait ... fix !

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And for some reason i cant get pass this loading screen ... i get all my food icon ect , can see who dies and so .

Have tryed to reinstall latest patch and nothing have helped me.

Even tryed respawn many times !

Had this problem since yesterday , and hopefully anyone can help me get past this loading screen .

any tips ? .

EDIT : Found a fix ! go here http://dayzmod.com/f...it/#entry743362

He is legit and helps with getting out from debugg fields .

I got help by him so spread the word if you know anyone that are stuck out there !

Edited by forcewipe

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Screen resolution problem?

i have no idea never heard about it before

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Even tryed to re install my game so i know this issue is not from my part .... guessing the game or "hive" dont know where to spawn me in or something like that

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I have same issue for last 3 days. Im unable to join ANY DayZ server. Ive tryed everything - reinstalling, redownloading ( 2 times ) etc. Nothing works. I think it have to do something with broken characters on Hive.

I also know about 3 more people with same issue.

Need fix ASAP! :/

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It's not about the connection... I have 200M connection and this problem have been on my account for like 2 weeks now... I donnu what to do, waiting for FIX :)

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Same problem. After the loading screen, I get to "Setup completed, please wait..." and nothing happens. Sometimes, when I wait for a very long time (more than 20 minutes), I get spawned in the debug plains. Respawning doesn't help. It's been like this for two or three days.

I hope someone comes up with a solution to this problem. Here's what I've tried so far:

  • Waiting - Sometimes, after 20-30 minutes, I spawn in the debug plains. After respawning or logging out and back in, the problem's still there.
  • Restarting DayZ, restarting my computer - Didn't help.
  • Reinstalling Six Updater / Six Launcher / Play withSIX and DayZ (, I think) - Didn't help.
  • Starting DayZ with DayZ Commander instead of SIX - Didn't help.
  • Creating a new character profile in DayZ main menu - Didn't help.
  • Pushing every single button on my keyboard while waiting - Didn't help, but I noticed that I can open the inventory with G. It's completely empty, though.
  • Hitting the keyboard against my head - Hurt, but didn't help.

I hope the devs give this problem a higher priority. I know there are many annoying bugs that need to be fixed, but this one isn't just annoying - it makes the game completely unplayable for some of us.

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Same problem. After the loading screen, I get to "Setup completed, please wait..." and nothing happens. Sometimes, when I wait for a very long time (more than 20 minutes), I get spawned in the debug plains. Respawning doesn't help. It's been like this for two or three days.

I hope someone comes up with a solution to this problem. Here's what I've tried so far:

  • Waiting - Sometimes, after 20-30 minutes, I spawn in the debug plains. After respawning or logging out and back in, the problem's still there.
  • Restarting DayZ, restarting my computer - Didn't help.
  • Reinstalling Six Updater / Six Launcher / Play withSIX and DayZ (, I think) - Didn't help.
  • Starting DayZ with DayZ Commander instead of SIX - Didn't help.
  • Creating a new character profile in DayZ main menu - Didn't help.
  • Pushing every single button on my keyboard while waiting - Didn't help, but I noticed that I can open the inventory with G. It's completely empty, though.
  • Hitting the keyboard against my head - Hurt, but didn't help.

I hope the devs give this problem a higher priority. I know there are many annoying bugs that need to be fixed, but this one isn't just annoying - it makes the game completely unplayable for some of us.

Your post is perfect :) You mentioned every thing me and my friends tryed ( even the Hitting the keyboard against the head ) and nothing works and its also two or three days...

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I too have the same issue, previous to this happening I used Dayz commander to update the Arma 2 version from 1.6 to 1.62, I have tried rolling back to older version but without success.

does our guids require resetting?

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well i finaly managed to run out from the debug plains after a few hours run time :P

But then my problem where i didnt spawn any zombies so there is no point of even returning to main land since no loot spawns around you :P

Even tryed to relogg and spawned rigth back in debug fields .

Atm this game is unplayable for us that is infekted with this bug !

Hoping a "fix" will come soon !

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count me in aswell in this one. i was parking my carr in the bottom of the tv tower, inside the walkway. after that am in oblivion :(

Edited by crazyman6th

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found a working fix !!!!!

go and get help from this : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/78590-setup-completed-bug-help-answer-to-it/#entry743362

he is legit and helped me instant , not like the wait time on the devz / tickets.....

spread the word if you know anyone that are stuck in the debugg fields !

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Unfortunately, the biggest problem to most people here is not being spawned in the debug plains, but being stuck at a black screen with nothing but the HUD and - as if to mock you - the message "Setup completed, please wait..."

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