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My ideas for standalone features

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-Group UI/Clan system: It would be nice to have a clan identification system so that we can tell if they are our own guys or not. Like only clan members have nameplates. Friendly fire is currently an issue for some people.

-Map: it would be nice to set up more than one way point. This way when driving around the map we don't have to stop to figure where to go or which road to take.

Also share plot points with your buddies and stratagize an atttack plan. So you know where to attack, and where your buddies will be infiltrating.

-Camo netting to help conceal your vehicles and tents from being spotted. It is currently WAAY to easy to find camp sites. Especially for those that have a helicopter.


1. I think there should be more vehicles. Let's face it, vehicles are hardly seen driving around and more so being used by people as tents. So while people are stuck running around, others are just hiding Urals/v3s/off-road trucks and not actually driving them.

2. No more brightly colored vehicles. They are too easy to spot. I think I would be lathuring my truck up in mud just to keep it an earth tone.

3. Enable us to shoot from the vehicle, we are defensless driving in a metal coffin!

-Ammo distribution: We should be allowed to take a mag to fill up all of our half empty mags. This way we don't have to run around with a bunch of clips with only 7 bullets in each one.

-Sprays: Similar to Counter-Strike, sprays would be a GREAT idea. To those complaining about "penis sprays" don't be immature, it was hardly a problem in CS.


1. More wildlife including predatory animals.

2. Allow us to find a portable fishing pole to take up a toolbelt slot so we may fish for food.

-Foxholes: Dig Foxholes with entrenching tool to set up fighting positions.

-Tents: When inspecting a tent, there should be a nametag so we can tell who's tent it is. At the very least within your own clan.

-Clothes/Apperal: Find individual articles of clothing to replace in their own slots. Hats, shirts, coats, pants, shoes/boots etc...

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