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Hackers Outta Control...

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No matter which server i seem to join, i am constantly being killed by some hacker...

Usually after i respawn and try to get back to my corpse, they then teleport me around to multiple locations till i have no clue where i am at...

This has happened to me a good 8 times this week so far...

Is this a common issue on most servers?

Edited by Felgor

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Yes, that's a common issue on most servers, however it can be managed very effectively by having admins monitoring the server logs.

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Smasht is right there, I would suggest trying new servers frequently to find a good community. Lower populated servers seems to have less trouble with script kiddies as well.

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Yes, that's a common issue on most servers, however it can be managed very effectively by having admins monitoring the server logs.

Too little too late, the damage is already done. Yeah it's great you can ban a guy from your server... AFTER he's already killed everyone and destroyed potentially hundreds of hours of effort by executing a simple script, and there are always more ready to take his place.

Arma2 was never designed to be protected against such rampant hacking/scripting, and unless you can provide actual video proof of someone hacking you can end up getting your server blacklisted for banning people without legitimate evidence. There's really nothing we can do until the stand-alone comes out, either suck it up or move onto something else. Time spent trying to win an arms race against hackers is time wasted, hackers will always be 1 step ahead and I'd rather see the time spent on the stand-alone.

Edited by porkus_maximus

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