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Few Ideas Wolf & Sleep

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Hi Rocket & dev Team

some suggestions:

1.Wolf Pack

The Idea ist to put Wolf Packs into some Forrest that attacks the survivors and eat them.

Survivor can kill them, if he can (^^), and get Meat.

And the Wolfes howl - brings the fear ;)

Funny Idea - Wolf pack attaks Zombies ^^


Sleep can be used as a regeneration system for Blood.

Maybe with a Timer (longer Sleep - more Blood), maybe u need a Tent.....think about it. ;)

Longer Sleep more hungry & thirsty.

If trained alot u r Sleep maybe u wake up if danger is near

thx alot for reading


Edited by DaGolem

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i like the wolves idea.

But the sleep one is just not suited for online game, since you cant fastforward time you will just have to sit there and wait for the amount of time chosen to sleep has passed before you can play again.

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i like my idea, hope it gets implemented in the stand alone:

The mechanic is simple, your player needs sleep just as he needs food or water, if some one has been playing for a long period of time such as 15-20 hours the player gets tired and experience things which degrade his characters ability to shoot or do certain tasks. The in game character will go to sleep when you log out but it will take a short or long time to log out (go to sleep) depending where and what condition he is in:

(The amount of actual time should be left up to rocket and the team)

Outside: he will take a fair bit of time to go to sleep e.g. 30 seconds

Outside with a sleeping bag: obviously a shorter time

Outside with a sleeping bag and tent: shorter again

Inside: medium time

Inside with a sleeping bag: very short time

Inside with a bed: shortest possible time

This brings in more thinking and decision making for the player, for you know that there is a higher chance that humans will be inside seeking shelter to log off.]

There are more factors to take in account such as temperature or fear (if the players can hear zombies from where they are sleeping or have been shot etc.) And it will increase the time it takes to log out for the player is in pain/shock. I can’t imagine some one who has just been shot going to sleep (loging out) instantly.

So this will stop people who disconnect from the game during pvp encounters, as most people will not be able to get to sleep through sheer pain and fear, certain things might help the player get to sleep if they need to log out quicker bringing in items such as sleeping tablets if it seems a viable mechanic.

Edited by th3rdparty

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I think there's a place for a sleep mechanic. Let's say you have a tent built, and you are getting ready to log out. You choose to log out at the tent, and it gives you the option to "sleep in tent". You log out of the game, but your character remains on the server, in the tent, regenerating blood at a rate of, say, 100 blood every minute. During this time your hunger and thirst would deteriorate slowly, and your character would vanish from the server when either your blood maxed out or your hunger/thirst reached a red level.

As for what happens when you're discovered sleeping, that's tricky. I'd say that the placeholder "sleeping survivor" object should be an NPC with limited capabilities. If zombies find you, you just straight-up die, since you'd have no chance against even one zombie if it grabbed you in your bedroll. If players get there, I'd say let them access your inventory and back as though you're a corpse, help themselves to all your stuff.

The real immersion breaker is your inability to "wake up", since you're actually in your car on the way to the movies or something. Corny as it is, I think I'd go for a sort of emergency Alt+F4 built right into the game for that. If a player makes a lot of noise near you, your guy despawns and updates his current state to the hive. Also, looting stuff would be a stealth check, so you could "wake up" the player while you grab his rifle, causing him to despawn after you get it. So you still get the item, you just don't get any more chances to loot him. The obvious solution would be to put a bullet in the guy's skull and then help yourself to his gear, but there's always your humanity to consider.

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see i dont know why people would want to play a game where you can sleep and literally watch your player sleep to me that just seems very boring, your player should go to sleep when you log out because that just seems logical lol and your player can regenerate blood if you like during this log out time, read my comment above i think it makes a lot more sense just my opinion thou

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  On 8/22/2012 at 10:40 PM, th3rdparty said:

see i dont know why people would want to play a game where you can sleep and literally watch your player sleep to me that just seems very boring, your player should go to sleep when you log out because that just seems logical lol and your player can regenerate blood if you like during this log out time, read my comment above i think it makes a lot more sense just my opinion thou

i think regenerating blood while logged out is not a good idea. if you log out and come back the next day, you are fully healed. that kinda goes against the whole survival thing if you are fine the next day. just log out and come back tomorrow, problem solved. if i find myself low on blood and shaking in pain, i would enjoy trying to survive and heal myself. but i don't want to log out and find myself at full blood when i come back tomorrow, which would be a real immersion breaker and spoil the challenge.

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  On 8/23/2012 at 12:29 AM, El Barto 227 said:

i think regenerating blood while logged out is not a good idea. if you log out and come back the next day, you are fully healed. that kinda goes against the whole survival thing if you are fine the next day. just log out and come back tomorrow, problem solved. if i find myself low on blood and shaking in pain, i would enjoy trying to survive and heal myself. but i don't want to log out and find myself at full blood when i come back tomorrow, which would be a real immersion breaker and spoil the challenge.

"and your player can regenerate blood if you like during this log out time" i said that lol i dont know the mechanics that rocket and the team would implement if they did decide that the sleep mechanism would be a good idea (my one), they could do that or they could make it so you only regenerate a little bit of blood i never said regenerate to full health. read both my posts fully and then you will get the idea that i would like to see in the stand alone game. then you can post with a good response :D

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Because the game is real time would you really want to watch your character sleep for 8 hours? Just assume he sleeps when you log out.

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Hi People,

with the Sleepregenerationsystem i have think it a little bit simple because it make no sense to Fall into Sleep for many Hours. For me it was a Idea for regenerate Blood if u have no others options (Food,Bloodpackets) and to have a chance to stay alive with the fear & risk to get ripped off while sleeping.

I have never thought about Sleeping with Logout. My Basic Idea was to Fall into sleep for a Player chosen time (XX min) in this Time the Charakter can´t be Used but u can look around. If Bandits or a Wolfpack hits u the first time then u wake up.

After u trained u Charakter with alot of Sleeptimes the Charakter wakes faster up, if Danger is coming near.


Time sleep -> 10 min = 100-150 Blood [or more] & (with Tent maybe more?)

Time sleep -> 20 min = 200-300 Blood [or more] & (with Tent maybe more?)

Time sleep -> 30 min = 300-450 Blood [or more] & (with Tent maybe more?)

and so on and on...

5 Times sleep -> Wake up radius 50m

10 Times sleep -> Wake up radius 100m

and so on and on...

btw. if a personal Dog will be in the Game then u have a Guard

Wolf Pack

The wolf pack Idea was to bring more Fear & danger into the Game. The wolf howl brings more intensive atmosphere, specially at night the feeling of fear will be greater. Because u will never know, is it a lone Wolf, is it only 2-3 or more Wolfes. Have they see u, where the hell they are...

One Problem of DayZ is that there is no Danger in the Forrest, except other Players.

thx for reading

Edited by DaGolem

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