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Don't tell me to "Chill"

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I walk into the grocery store of cherno and I see a bandit player,I have had my run in's with other players and have given up on being the nice guy, in this situation I'm glad I did, the player was checking loot and I decided to shoot him, the player then jumped on voice chat (sounded like a 13 year old boy) and told me to chill as he hid behind one of the shelving racks and then he decided to shoot back at me over the top, with not one shot actually hitting me...silly silly boy I can shoot through those shelves, simple to say a quick and easy kill, my question is to the veteran players, how do you approach other players out in DayZ? Are you kind and willing to trust others or do you go straight for the kill?

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mistrust has spread through dayz like cancer.

sadly dayz is probably an admittedly extreme but vaguely accurate depiction of what would happen irl... good old humanity - we know what side our bread's buttered.

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The fact that everyone shoots each other when a hacker teleports them to one location pretty much sums up the community.

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I don't shoot anyone unless they are a threat, someone with an axe is not a threat unless they are right near me and running at me, nor is someone with almost any of the starter guns when I'm on a hill with a sniper rifle. I will keep my eye on them though, the only exception to this are bandits, who I will shoot on sight even if they are unarmed. If I walk into a building and run right into another player with a weapon, I'm going to shoot, no time to determine if you are friendly or not.

Edited by smasht_AU
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If I'm fully geared up, I shoot people because I think it's fun to be the bad-guy and watch them try and dislodge me from my camping spot.

If I'm fresh, I tend to follow people around and annoy them.

Though one time I did save a guy from being eaten by zeds, only to then guide he and his friend to a nearby tent which I knew had a few low-tier weapons in it. They thanked me - it was oddly satisfying. Though that satisfaction doesn't overpower my desire to kill people! :lol:


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When I get the drop on someone like that, or otherwise have the upper hand, I am usually friendly scratch that, calling me friendly implies that I'm actually nice, I order their surrender, and if they comply, then I can be pretty amicable, however if they so much as breath funny their arse gets blasted into next Thursday.

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I just shout out friendly from a hidden location, if no reply I shoot, if I reply I then lean my head out and they normally shoot straight away, I then have a death match and either win or loose >.< I want to be good! :D

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Depends... i don't tend to travel in groups lesser than 3 or 4 so bumping into other survivors can be a bit hair raising, especially when you have the split second decision of shoot or not, knowing 3 other lives are in your hands.... New spawns i just avoid or help... i like to see people then get into the game a bit, get better weapons and actually become more of a challenge later in the game.

Wouldn't be the first time i've saved some people and they have returned the favour later on just outta the blue...

If however i saw some 13yr old bandit in a store telling me to chill.. well yeah he would get dropped, no one tells a Scotsman to chill!!

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I see you from 800M+ with heat scope. If im on a server with nametags on, ANYTHING bronie related gets 4 in the chest. If no nametags and your armed, 3 to the chest, If bronie related name appears in killlist? Head to the cost for camp.


Disgusting bronies.

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I've made 2 NZ friends 2 Aus friends in this game, the NZ friends actually meet my friend who was meeting up with me, they all had no gear, but i was geared to the teeth. so my naturally thought was "KILL THEM BEFORE COMING TO ME OR I'LL KILL THEM" my friend said they where friendly and said for me for me not to kill them, so when they arrived i gave them a hatchet and a revolver and then I proceeded to stay 10m's behind them ready to kill them if they did anything stupid, now we steam chat and play Dayz with them nearly ever day. The Aus broz i meet in a supermarket and we all had guns and all yelled friendly there was a pause...."wanna base with us" one of them said, "ok", so i went off playing with them an d had a good old time.

So What i'm getting at is if you don't try and allow people a chance to life and be trusted you won't get any good game mates to play with and your experiences will be less.

Oh just to let you know it's a 1/10 chance that a this will happens.

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In vetran i dont trust enye buddy, First shoot kill him and then take his loot. Because nowadays everyone is shooting every buddy and not like in the beginning. With friendly don't shoot. Nowadays if i just say frie.... i am dead. So just shoot.

Greest Mike

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I see you from 800M+ with heat scope. If im on a server with nametags on, ANYTHING bronie related gets 4 in the chest. If no nametags and your armed, 3 to the chest, If bronie related name appears in killlist? Head to the cost for camp.


Disgusting bronies.

I look forward to meeting you in combat one day :)

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To sum it up, evasion is the name of the game. I don't stick around hot spots for too long, and I'm very slow and methodical. I tend to notice other people way before they notice me, if at all.


I remember one of the rare times I engaged someone at will. I once witnessed a lone survivor approach the church in Petrovka or whatever it's called (south of Vybor). He had a low tier backpack and he had no primary on his back or his hands. I watched him open the church doors when he dropped dead immediately after a few gunshots filled the air. Someone kept closing the doors after some attracted zombies opened them, meaning the culprit was inside and still logged in. I repositioned and camped the entrance for a couple of minutes, and when he finally came out, and I decorated his face with the very bullets he apparently loves to put into others.

My emotions where boiling in this special case. Sweet sweet vengeance.

R.I.P. Martin... or Marvin... or something like that.

Anyway, in "dedicated PvP areas" I make no mistakes, everything with opposable thumbs gets killing.

... I think it was Merlin.

... Melvin?

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Our squad always place at least 2 snipers on a roof before any of us guys start looting in a city and we all have a voice program running. Anyone that approaches our location is taken out, so it is easy to loot. You cannot play this game solo and be successful.

Going on two weeks without dieing and the last time I died was from a teamate by accident. Got all my loot back after they rescued me with a helo.

Always have a back up plan.

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I don't shoot anyone unless they are a threat, someone with an axe is not a threat unless they are right near me and running at me, nor is someone with almost any of the starter guns when I'm on a hill with a sniper rifle. I will keep my eye on them though, the only exception to this are bandits, who I will shoot on sight even if they are unarmed. If I walk into a building and run right into another player with a weapon, I'm going to shoot, no time to determine if you are friendly or not.

Pretty much sums me up too.

Our squad always place at least 2 snipers on a roof before any of us guys start looting in a city and we all have a voice program running. Anyone that approaches our location is taken out, so it is easy to loot. You cannot play this game solo and be successful.

Going on two weeks without dieing and the last time I died was from a teamate by accident. Got all my loot back after they rescued me with a helo.

Always have a back up plan.

Bold part..Have gone weeks solo and so have many others. You can play solo and be successful.

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Shoot on sight

Unless the person has voicecom and had spotted me first.

..Although if he stands behind me or points a gun at me, I'm going to render him uncapable of doing so (shot to the face).

Can't trust anyone!

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Our squad always place at least 2 snipers on a roof before any of us guys start looting in a city and we all have a voice program running. Anyone that approaches our location is taken out, so it is easy to loot. You cannot play this game solo and be successful.

Going on two weeks without dieing and the last time I died was from a teamate by accident. Got all my loot back after they rescued me with a helo.

Always have a back up plan.

Yeah righto mate.

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It depends on the situation. Up close I'm likely going to shoot because 90% of people are idiots (sorry to the other 10% :()

The other day a buddy and I are approaching Cherno from the west to meet up with a friend. It's a low pop server so we feel pretty safe. As we approach, along the beach we spot a figure. After working out it isn't our pal we drop to the floor and get our sights on him (he also dropped to the floor). Nothing happened so we did a "soft" break of contact. I moved back a few yards, turned and covered as my mate ran passed me then he stopped to cover me and we repeated the process for about 100 meters before heading off into the hills.

We hook up with our mate in the store in Cherno but he's new and I want to get out of there but with about 3 peeps in on top of us, I let my guard down and i'm telling him where to get gear from (it's also pretty dark so I'm trying to guide him). Next thing I know we're both killed by a silent shooter. Funny thing is, it's the guy on the beach from earlier except he only counted 2 of us so he thought only 2 were there till he ran around the corner into the barrel of my mate and died (lmao). We get back, get our gear, get his gear and i'm now like " ok u got 2 minutes then we're out".

The reason the guy didn't shoot us to begin with was probably the MP5SD he was carrying is dog shit at range (though he would have died if he tried since we had him bang to rights). He must have kept an eye on us and then went hunting for us in Cherno though it turned out ok because his gear went to our mate and I got a nice new ghillie suit out if it too.

As for playing Solo actually you can. It makes me laugh that me running around by myself can last 10 - 20 hours without dying (and then dying because of players shooting me after I tell them I'm friendly and after I've been watching them fuck around in a store for 2 minutes and could have easily killed them) and then I look at the average life time and it's 30 mins or an hour now (though probably a lot of that is people respawning or committing suicide)

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Bandit skin = kos

See another survivor, watch them to determine if they are a threat or not.

Defending gear, camp, vehicles = kos

Kill because they have better gear .... never (unless they are bandit)

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