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Play (DayZ)

Evolution Table - Hackers in DayZ by Play

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Master (Yoda level in Star War terms)

You have probably created your own OS kernel or Internet protocols, did not make a penny of it but you belong to some “100 most influential people of the century”. Failing that you have probably been arrested by the FBI, did time and now are a millionaire by proving consultancy services for major organizations. You are older than 40 and adored by “community” but regret looking at that picture of when you where younger.


You are a very good programmer. You could take advantage of exploits such as “buffer overflow” or “man in the middle”, by of course, writing your own program in “C” and code lines like MOV AX,BX actually meant something to you. You are not famous, probably an introvert kind of person but you have a good job (as a security consultant) and a family that doesn’t understand how powerful your skills are.

Very Good

You have good knowledge of modern computing languages. Your have huge potential but unfortunately modern days requires you to work long hours and all you want to do when you get home is play DayZ or watch your favourite TV series.

DayZ Hackers

Sits between an Amoeba and Jessica Simpson in the evolution table. You posses some extraordinary Google skills…your have the best hacking scripts in the Internet but you haven’t coded any of them. Every time you kill or teleport other survivors your brain releases a large amount of serotonin. You enjoy seeing other survivors venting their frustration on the forums but at the same time fear that the next patch might make your job more difficult. You are right now reading this and agree with everything I say…you are laughing but at the same time feels sad from the inside because you are not having fun like everyone else.

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Replace "DayZ" with "online gaming"

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I keep thinking that avatar is Patrick Swayze.


Damn you ! Everytime i see that avatar i have always thought ..THE HOFF!!

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