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Icarus619 (DayZ)

Cars stillt not saving?

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me and some friends just bought a server and we noticed all our vehicles and some of the tens went missing. So we headed here and found out that the saving of vehicles is buggy..? Is it still not possible to save vehicles? Cause this is one of the reasons for us to go on with DayZ at all. I mean once you're fully equipped the only thing you want is a car/truck or a bike.

We already managed to get a Bus running, an Ural and two bikes and an ATV. But all of that (inlcuding some of our tents) went missing - next day it was all gone! This really annoys us and starts to let us think about DayZ and if it makes sense to play it with these issues.... I honestly think it is unplayable because of that.

Is there any fix in sight? Does this happen to all of you? Please bring us some light into our darkness cause we really don't know what is happening..


Edited by Icarus619

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Some people still manage to save their vehicles tho, so does this bug only happen to some cars/some servers/ some people?

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I think cars/tents that were created BEFORE the patch could very well be working. I can't confirm because i don't have any cars that were repaired prior to patch

The funny thing is, go to any private server, cars and tents work 100% of the time. What does that mean? It's not the game/tents/vehicles that are bugged, it's the HIVE!

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I can confirm it is not vehicles created before the patch. In many cases when a server patches every vehicle in the game resets back to it's spawn position.

I also have this saving issue. What I do to save is park the vehicle. Then wait 30 secs to a minute if not more. Then I click save. I then just for safe measure repeat the process in a OCD like manner until I can feel that it is safe to leave them. This usually works... I however have noticed that if a vehicle does save it's position it does not save anything in it in the new patch. So never trust your loot to your vehicle until they fix this stuff... One thing you can do is revert to the old patch and bounce back and forth between versions when you want to change servers. I have a camp in a old version server mainly for the reason that it saves items more regularly.

Also pay attention to where you save your vehicle... If you are saving it in the far north anywhere, you might think it is safe there but you would be dead wrong. People like to wander up in the north looking for camps.. Hell we do the same thing and get very lucky doing it. We get a lot more cars stolen than unsaved.

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Thank you guys for your replies. I try to set my server back to, but I don't know how to do it... hope I don't mess it up!

Next question would be: Is there a patch in sight? Someone knows something about a fix? Why are there no hotfixes for such problems -.-

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this issue has persisted for well over a week by now, and it has yet to be as much as acknowledged by the developer. I know that DayZ as a standalone should/does take presedence, but as was already said, this issue is gamebreaking, even if it is just a mod, with a game coming, the least that could be done was a hotfix to solve this in the short term. That's my two cents anyway...

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Vehicles and tents save perfectly for me

very useful and informative. Thank you so much! :huh:

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very useful and informative. Thank you so much! :huh:

Very welcome, anything to help

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this issue has persisted for well over a week by now, and it has yet to be as much as acknowledged by the developer. I know that DayZ as a standalone should/does take presedence, but as was already said, this issue is gamebreaking, even if it is just a mod, with a game coming, the least that could be done was a hotfix to solve this in the short term. That's my two cents anyway...

You are totally right. Like i said at the opening post - vehicles and tents are things that keep me and my friends playing. Without the possibility to store items or to drive around/fixing cars etc there is nothing to do for us in Chernarus.

Is there any Thread or something where bugs are reported? We should show the Dev Team that this is a huge problem and that there is almost everyone involved...

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We already managed to get a Bus running, an Ural and two bikes and an ATV. But all of that (inlcuding some of our tents) went missing - next day it was all gone!

If your cars AND tents disappear after a restart it is sometimes just a a mistake in the restart. if u restart again the cars and Tents should be back in place.

Btw. you dont save the position of cars and tents, just the stuff in it.

We got the same problems on our server but our cars be in place and if not someone stole them.

The Developers are already informed but u can report and follow bugs and the solution process here https://dev-heaven.net/projects/dayz

Visit us at DE 147

Edited by moe.

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