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Combat Logging you fuckers.

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So rampant. Everyone of you motherfuckers are pussys, combat logging? Rocket better fucking fix this shit, game breaker. Dear god, I need a deep breath, ok..

Walked in on two idiot boys and lit them the fuck up, there backs turned to me, just one body spurting blood and the other gone. No kill for either. A five foot shot to the head of another jackass wanabee sniper, again, no kill.

Just to make this clear, you combat logging cocksuckers, you are worse than a hacker, you are the girl your mom wished she had.

And fuck you to the guys who say its Alfa get over it.

But yet, when I take a few bullet's, I'M FUCKING DEAD!

I feel better. sorry.

EDIT: I'm not sorry, fucking assholes, 5 sec delay to logout standing upright. Make it happen. Please.

Edited by Fishmitts
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Haha calm done dear it's only a game... go rage to yourself in the mirror everyone else has to deal with this problem to but we don't all cry about it on the forums.

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"fuck you to the guys who say its Alfa get over it."

Guess that doesn't apply to me since he said "Alfa" and not Alpha.

This mod is in Alpha stage.

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I support this.

5 second timer is a good idea.

Would not harm legit players.

Go rage

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"fuck you to the guys who say its Alfa get over it."

Guess that doesn't apply to me since he said "Alfa" and not Alpha.

This mod is in Alpha stage.

Yea, your clever. And you wonder why you have no friends. Sorry, "ALPHA". better?

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Thread #46285648...

I'm pissed, thanks for that, now go clean the erasures for the teacher like a good pet.

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Guys. He's not complaining so much as commiserating. Maybe we can not be dicks?

Sorry to hear that it happened. Again. I have to deal this shit on a daily basis. But it'll be better soon. This is something that can be fixed even before standalone.

Edited by MoronToTheKore

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Haha calm done dear it's only a game... go rage to yourself in the mirror everyone else has to deal with this problem to but we don't all cry about it on the forums.

I'm not your "dear". And I'm not crying, I'm pissed off. There is a difference.

Edited by Fishmitts

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Mr. Clan Admin, you sir are butthurt.

But a AS50 round in their dome before they see you, -100k blood for them ;)

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This is some good advertising for your clan.

I mean, who doesn't want to be in a clan with an immature leader?

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Guys. He's not complaining so much as commiserating. Maybe we can not be dicks?

Not possible.

What exactly is combat logging?

Logging out of the game when it appears you will lose a gunfight.

Edited by (CNSF) Angel

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Logging out of the game when it appears you will lose a gunfight.

Ah, I was thinking it was something completely different.

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This is some good advertising for your clan.

I mean, who doesn't want to be in a clan with an immature leader?

You didn't know 12 year olds are the key to sucess when it comes to a clan?


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I'm not your "dear", go change a diper.

Haha that the best you could come up with?? 1.im gay 2. would never ever even think about having a kid can't stand them.

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So rampant. Everyone of you motherfuckers are pussys, combat logging? Rocket better fucking fix this shit....... bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.....logout standing upright. Make it happen. Please.

Someone get her a tampon and some aspirin quick!

Then let her know that we truly do not give a fuck.


Especially since the biggest threat to the game is not "combat logging" but hackers, who've made the game damn near unplayable when they're on the server.

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Rocket just needs to add a spawn out or log out timer when you abort. Like in diablo 3, you have to make sure your safe and it takes 10seconds.

The other issue is hackers..

Me and two buddies were attacked by a hacker (i emptied a full clip into his face and didnt die) so i logged out. Why should i loose all my stuff because of a hacker! If i smell anything fishy i will just log out.

But dont get me wrong.. I wont log out if its a fair fight and there is no sign of malicious behavior.

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Haha that the best you could come up with?? 1.im gay 2. would never ever even think about having a kid can't stand them.

Could not give a shit less than what your sexual preference is. You dont matter. Combat logging does.

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Yeah, your clever. And you wonder why you have no friends. Sorry, "ALPHA." better?


P.S: I have friends, and they're great. :D

Edited by Scott Pilgrim

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Even beyond combat logging I have noticed when I kill someone and get the murder, if they disconnect immediately their body is gone. That is even more frustraiting for me than someone getting away. Since its part of the game I disconnect every time I die just so the bastard does not get any loot from me. MUAHAHHA

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This is some good advertising for your clan.

I mean, who doesn't want to be in a clan with an immature leader?

So your saying, if I'm upset about something, and just venting on the forums I'm immature? No jackass, just mad at the moment, I'm sure it will all be fixed sooner or later. Everyone, including Admins of clans, have a right to get surly once and a while.

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P.S: I have friends, and they're great. :D

Really? "You're"? Get, "fuck'ed". :)

PS: No one gives a shit.:)

Edited by Fishmitts

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I'm pissed, thanks for that, now go clean the erasures for the teacher like a good pet.

So am I. Am I making a thread about the time hackers teleported everyone into the air? Imagine if everyone made a thread every time they got sniped in cherno. It would be chaos.

Oh and what's an erasures?

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