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To those playing on SE 7 - IMPORTANT

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Hello all

I have received reports and confirmed myself that the Heli on my server is resetting on restart.

Please follow the link and upvote the issue if you play on my server or would like to see the heli fixed asap. https://dev-heaven.net/issues/42852


Edited by Nahaz

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While the universe was busy revolving around you, this issue was posted, verified and is in the process of being fixed.

Have a look at these posts since you may be new to a search function







Perhaps you should go there and consolidate your post to one of those, in future please take 30 seconds to see if your issue is already there...

Edited by Graz

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All other vehicles and tents are fine and have always been. It's only the chopper that's being buggy and I got told by support staff to create the issue, if you would have read the post after the jump you would have noticed.

So don't jump the gun Mr Internet Police.

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