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massive fps drop cant fix

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i keep gettin 1 fps constant and it just came suddenly and i cant help it ive changed all my settings my computer is an ok one it can run 90% of games in ultra smoothly but on arma it just came suddenly and now i cant do anything cause even on the menu screen im gettin 1 fps and its just unplayable anyone got any suggestions to wat it might be sorry for bad english im not a grammer nazi

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Hey mate, few things you might want to try:

A, Try validating your game files (if you are running through steam). At work so can't provide the steps to do this, I can confirm you right click the game in steam, properties and then click something like 'validate system cache' - this may not be 100% accurate, I would google it.

B, There is a config file you can edit which lowers the render rate from 1000 to 1, this has increased myself and some of my friends frames by quiet a lot.

Scroll down to one of the posts: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/forums/showthread.php?5042-Any-tips-on-how-to-increase-performance-in-ARMA2

C, If the above doesn't help maybe reinstall, this is annoying but will probably fix it if it isn't a hardware problem.

Hope these help.

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This isn't the same issue I had (steady SPIKES down to 1-5 FPS somewhere between every half a second to a second that would last about a full second) but the way I fixed my own issue is I have to restart my computer every few days... :(

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I had a very weird problem for some reason today my arma 2 is laggy a crazy amount i normally get around 34-41 fps on high settings but now im getting around 3fps in the menu screen and i have no idea why nothing was altered at all i just started dayz up today and it's completely unplayable for me.

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the weirdest part is once ive run arma 2 now games like battlefield and such all run at 1-5fps its really annoyin ill try validating and such though. doin thtat didnt do anythin and it just runs slowly on the main menu when u first load arma 2 its just being stupid now i may have to reinstall but i dunno i changed my fov to 90 if that may of caused it ????

Edited by GiBBo XD

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