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m.w. vindicator

Oh DayZ... (positive thread)

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I was approaching the Tents in Stary when I saw a guy sitting in the back seat of the car that spawns there. I approached cautiously expecting a trap. I communicated to him through text. No response. I went to his car and got in but it was badly damaged. Oh well i thought and went about my business. I raided the tents as usually and went to say bye to the guy in the back seat when a bandit opened fire with a M4 SD. He surprised me and I knew I was beaten so I shouted friendly at him. He killed me despite my hero skin.

Can't even trust the hero. Oh well his loss we could have fixed the car together.

I'm not sad, just posting a story. :)

BTW i'm not a carebear but I don't kill for no reason.

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Also I 'm so glad I respawned because I found two MOUNTAIN DEWS. Come at me BRO. I'll go get a screen shot.

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Good story man, but this trap was made for a person like you, a carefull, kind player. You took pity on him so you left a "afk" player alone. Fairplay! Dont kick a man while hes down, as my uncle allways said. The problem is you were too trusty, also you did not relise the sition you were in.

This guy could come back ANYTIME he could have gone to work and forgot to turn of his pc, he could be in the shower or he could have just poped out to grab the mail.

I can tell you are a smart player becouse of the way you approched this. But friend ;ets be honest all great men get there hands dirty once in a wile.

XD youv seen brack o barma. ;D anyways i can tell that once you were a bandit. becouse you "checked the car" you and me both know you could have shot 3 bullets into this guys head if it was fully repaired and had a bounty of gear.

you are the smart player.


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Good story man, but this trap was made for a person like you, a carefull, kind player. You took pity on him so you left a "afk" player alone. Fairplay! Dont kick a man while hes down, as my uncle allways said. The problem is you were too trusty, also you did not relise the sition you were in.

This guy could come back ANYTIME he could have gone to work and forgot to turn of his pc, he could be in the shower or he could have just poped out to grab the mail.

I can tell you are a smart player becouse of the way you approched this. But friend ;ets be honest all great men get there hands dirty once in a wile.

XD youv seen brack o barma. ;D anyways i can tell that once you were a bandit. becouse you "checked the car" you and me both know you could have shot 3 bullets into this guys head if it was fully repaired and had a bounty of gear.

you are the smart player.


It was a different guy with the M4 SD. the car guy was still there and I was looking at him when I was hit. But other than that I agree :)

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mountain dew bitches.

You will now die in the next 4 hours of playing. Such is the way of the dew.... it is cursed. MD and the MK48 bring nothing but trouble. Superstition I know, but let's see if I'm wrong haha.

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