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CSA Recruitment Center (International Clan)

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Dayz Name: instantavenge

How long have you played Dayz: about a month

Time Zone:australian eastern standard time

Age: 16

PvP experience: ive a a little pvp experience

Favorite Gun/Combo: im not sure i havent really got any of the good guns yet

Team Experience: a bit iam mostly playing by myself but i have played other squad games and co operate well

How familiar with the map are you?: im pretty familiar with the coast, i havent got up notrh that much but ive seen heaps of videos of the north so i know some places

Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: i got sort of an idea but ill figure it out.

i did apply with the other app but then i seenn this one and thought i better do the right thing and use this one.

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Dayz Name: KarinjaNinja

How long have you played Dayz: I have been playing Dayz for 5 months.

Time Zone: EST. I live in NJ, USA.

Age: 25

Pvp experience: I have killed many survivors and died many times. I have destroyed helis, vehicles and very experienced as a sniper.

Favorite Gun/Combo: M107/Mk48 or L85

Team experience: I was in an organized Bandit group for a few months. It disbanded due to the hacking/duping but I have experience using teamspeak and working with others to achieve a goal.

How familiar with the map are you? Very familiar, I have been everywhere on the map more times than I can count.

Coord grids and compass bearings? As stated before I was in an organized tactical bandit group and we would always check coords and compass bearings. Very experienced using map and compass.

It has gotten very dull playing DayZ solo, so I look forward to maybe joining up with CSA.

Edited by KarinjaNinja

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Dayz Name: Champloo

How long have you played Dayz: About 3 months, maybe more. Can't remember anymore

Time Zone: EST

Age: 19

PvP experience: Tracking survivor groups across the map, bandit skirmishes, sniper overwatch

Favorite Gun/Combo: m1911, lee enfield, any sniper. When I find new guns I would always go into single player and target practice with them.

Team Experience: Long time experience with moderately successful bandit gang

How familiar with the map are you?: I can navigate without gear. I've explored the map in single player; a lot of experience.

Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: Yes

Also I have experience manually finding range using mildots (I can snipe at long distances without a rangefinder)

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Dayz Name: Sai

How long have you played Dayz: About a month and a half

Time Zone: Pacific/Upper west coast of US

Age: 17

PvP experience: Buildings tend to blow up when people I don't know go inside them. Also have sniped a few people, but most of my kills that aren't from explosions are self-defense

Favorite Gun/Combo: L85A2 AWS, G17, and satchal charges

Team Experience: Have a little, used to play with a few friends till they stoped playing

How familiar with the map are you?: Can navigate with out any ingame map and know where all the important loot spots are in the major cities.

Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: Yes

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Hey guys its me Goblin , I have played with you for some time in the summer , but lost contact since early autumn I really miss you guys and now I've finally found you :)

Dayz Name: Goblin

Skype Name: vanhallen96

How long have you played Dayz: about 5 months

Time Zone: GTM- 0 London

Age: 16

PvP experience: Pretty experienced

Favorite Gun/Combo: AS50 / M4 with a silenced M9 as a secondary

Team Experience: I am very experienced , and I played with you guys before.

How familiar with the map are you?: I am very familiar with the map , especially the shores and most the North East side

Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: Yes i can easily read grid coordinates and tell them in a simple and easy way to understand.

Edited by Yowie39

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Dayz Name:Reflaction

How long have you played Dayz:4 Months

Time Zone:GMT +2


PvP experience:I used to play Bandit so yes i have quite good exp as PVP

Favorite Gun/Combo:DMR + M4A1 SD

Team Experience:I been in 2 other teams. i leaved because of their server kinda of empty

How familiar with the map are you?:Well i played cherno for 4 months so I know every single place.

Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?:Of Course.

Edited by Reflaction

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Dayz Name: Flapman

How long have you played Dayz: I have played for about 4 months

Time Zone: GMT+1

Age: 16, 17 next month

PvP experience: I have a lot of experience in PvP, I know what to do when I run into other players and I have a lot of experience with the gun mechanics in DayZ.

Favorite Gun/Combo: AK47, I haven't had one of the end-game weapons yet (except for a Fal with nightvision, but I got killed before I had the chance to use it)

Team Experience: My team experience is pretty much zero, except for playing with a friend once.

How familiar with the map are you?: Very familiar, I know pretty much every single town.

Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: Yes.

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Dayz Name: Cron

How long have you played Dayz: About a month and a bit

Time Zone: UK (GMT)

Age: 31

PvP experience: Plenty, tend to know what gun sound is what weapon ect

Favorite Gun/Combo: M4A1 CCo and a long range Rifle (DMR for night vision ect)

Team Experience: normally just pug stuff

How familiar with the map are you?: know My arse from my elbow, can get from A-B and know the loot spawns

Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: easily, Ex armed forces here

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Dayz Name: Hayden

How long have you played Dayz: played for 4months stopped playing for like 3 and now i'm restarting to play

Time Zone: Uk gmt

Age: 15 16 IN APRIL

PvP experience: I have a fair bit, i played normal arma 2 to get better with the guns

Favorite Gun/Combo: I'm really not bothered, the L85 is kool because I like to recon enemies

Team Experience: Before i stopped playing i was in a group with about 12 guys a bit older than me, we were succesful and had a great camp, so quite alot

How familiar with the map are you?: Ermm fairly, i know main locations etc

Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: I can use grid coords, but not too much of the bearings, if you shout "player north east" I'm obviously going to know where to look

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Dayz Name: DeathChurch

How long have you played Dayz: 1 Month

Time Zone: EST

Age: 25

PvP experience: Some, Not much, been working on the lay of the land and experience solo before I moved onto pvp. Now's the time.

Favorite Gun/Combo: AS50

Team Experience: Did some survival with a friend. IRL I have a lot of tactical experience as security reaction force in the navy.

How familiar with the map are you?: Getting there. I can figure out where I am and where to go, and the best way to get there.

Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: Second nature.

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Guys, the OP hasn't been active since October, so keep that in mind.

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Would you guys be interested in joining our community @ The BSB Network?

We have a partnership scheme aimed at decent mature and fair clans that are well established, to be a part of our community as "Partners". The idea is to expand our own contact network, as well as that of our members' and affilaited partners. We aim to provide "preferred" server and clans to members of our community that arent already affiliated to clans on various games, including Day Z.

Full details of the Partnership can be found on our website @ http://www.bsbnetwork.com, but geneally it aims to increase our contacts, share resources and increase our communities exposure to other gaming clans. The benefits include links to your clan website and servers via our webiste, oppertunities to promote your group via our clans forum and generally refer relvant gamers towards you as one of our "preferred" clans on the games you support. Other benefits we aim to offer is various inter-clan gaming tournaments and event and we can also offer to clans that need them, forum/web hosting, TS3 hosting and general support.

We are stable and well established (since 2002) so we're not looking to poach members or anything sinister like that, this is a genuine scheme that is being started with the best possible intentions, offering our own stability and resources as a platform to help gamers intergrate between clans/games, In return all we ask is some links back to us and our own servers and some kind of representation from yourselves within our community.

If you are interested just give me a shout and we can discuss it further.

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How long have you played Dayz: 2 Months

Time Zone: GMT + 1:00, Germany

Age: 18

PvP experience: Usually i'm the one who gets shot. I'm too polite

Favorite Gun/Combo: Sounds boring but i like playing the Lee Enfield

Team Experience: Not in this game but i played in some other clans til now

How familiar with the map are you?: Give me a compass and i lead you wherever you want

Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: yes

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Dayz Name: Dino

How long have you played Dayz: About 6 months

Time Zone: PST

Age: 16

PvP experience: Pretty Good

Favorite Gun/Combo:DMR or SVD

Team Experience: Been in a couple groups with friends

How familiar with the map are you?: Pretty familiar with the layout know most of the main cities and most of the small ones

Do you know how to use grid cords/ Compass bearings?: Bearings yes and cords im pretty decent with them

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Dayz Name: Sinnon

How long have you played Dayz: a bit more than a month

Time Zone: -6

Age: 17

PvP experience: Started out bandit, sniped all I saw, loved to raid camps, then I started to be friendly with new players and give them free stuff

Favorite Gun/Combo: M107/PDW and M4A1 CCO SD/M9 SD for sleath

Team Experience: I have beein In some clans before, we used to raid Cherno and NWA alot.

How familiar with the map are you?: I know a good amount of it.

Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: Yes

Edited by Sinnon

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Dayz Name: PixelBlast

How long have you played Dayz: About a year now if you don't count the time when i was inactive(5 months active)

Time Zone: EST - Eastern Standard Time(i live in Canada)

Age: 17

PvP experience: I mostly take people out at a distance or i kill them before they notice i'm around. I also noticed that each time i found myself in a firefight, my heart would start beating really quickly(One of the reasons why i love this mod).

Favorite Gun/Combo: Any weapon that is lethal and efficient is fine to me, i don't have any preference even thought i feel safer with a military grade weapon then say a shotgun.

Team Experience: I used to be in a clan of over 100 people, we used to play with about 20 players at a time. Communication and team work was basically what made us. Unfortunately, hackers started being way too common and the clan no longer exists. That's also why i'm looking for a new one.

How familiar with the map are you?: I do know vaguely the location of the main cities and airports. But if i was alone, without a map and in the wild, i would most probably get lost.

Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: Well for the coords, i simply state what's written for X and Y. I do know how to use a compass as well.

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Dayz Name: Dag242

How long have you played Dayz: 6 months

Time Zone: EST

Age: 17

PvP experience: I keep my cool in firefights. I'm also good at flanking, stalking, and other combat tactics.

Favorite Gun/Combo: Winchester (believe it or not) because its easy to find and has good damage. SVD with a Ghillie suit is my favorite though.

Team Experience: I played with a clan called SAS, where i was in teams a lot. I was the engineer/sniper.

How familiar with the map are you?: Very familiar. I can also read Cyrillic (I'm Russian).

Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: Yes. It was one of the first things i had to learn in my old clan.

Note: I tried to keep short and sweet for you.

Edited by Dag242

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