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Bring back the old bandit skin (You ever watched a post-apoc movie?)

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Most threads will beg to bring the bandit skin back because the game is turning into a deathmatch. Then they will get told people don"t magically change clothes during the apocalypse. Well last time I played my Fallout 3 (Post apocalyptic game based on a nuclear war) the bandits/raiders had mohawks and just looked diffrent from your average joe. (KILL THE MOHAWKS) And many of the post-apocalyptic movies I watch also use this type of bandit/raider stereotype or should I say skin. Of course there were people who would look normal and then backstab you (Not by killing your soul but more by stealing your possesions..... They weren"t crazy enough to just go and kill you THEN take your stuff)

When a survivor yells to a bandit THIS ISN"T A DEATHMATCH IT"S A ROLEPLAYING GAME, when they"re shot in the head with a Makarov the bandit says back. Oh well im role-playing a serial killer whos insane. The insane raiders/bandits just look diffrent then survivors. And this is just another one of dozens of requests to bring back the bandit skin.

(PS Insane people are usually not to bright and just want to look all bad and evil with there Mohawks) Here is another one of dozens of requests to bring the skin back...... (Bandit attack incoming since they want to keep there element of surprise since theres no skin and brag about how they killed 5 guys ... that"s easy with a CZ550)

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I agree with you but you know the kiddies are about to spam you dont you :)

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agreed. If you were confined to 225 km and murdering people you probably would cover your face. I mean I think they look good and I didn't have a problem with people making a judgement based on it. My only real problem was getting them for killing in self defence.

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The bandit skin should be just another skin that can be found and worn. There should eventually be dozens of skins to choose from that can be looted from buildings, furniture, zombies, and other players.

No particular skin (other than the basic starting skin) should be forced upon anyone.

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If your a completely insane murder, I am quite sure that you will end up looking MUCH differnt than the average joe. Thus, in this game people that run along the coast murdering newbs by the thousands should have the bandit skin. Now theres a downside to shooting everything. Though not a big one, as the skin still allows you to camp on _____ hill and snipe n stuff like that.

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Look guys, this isn't the Fable series, where horns begin to grow out of your head if you do bad things to innocent care bears. This is DayZ, and everybody is a faceless enemy until they prove themselves otherwise. Stalk or be stalked...or better yet, invite your friends and roam in a pack. Establish safe zones and neutralize threats. It's a survival mod, so survive. Don't expect too many gameplay-based handouts.

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People shouldn't automatically 'turn' into bandits like before but most clans have some kind of visual identification to distinguish friend from foe. There could be multiple 'bandit' skins to choose from and some clans would hunt other groups down or form alliances. And of course there should be the lone wolf bandits who will look like ordinary survivors.

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Look zonbie, this game is meant to be realistic. Someones a completely insane murder, its unrealistic for them to look and act like a normal everyday person. The bandit skin should probably just be ripped clothing or something like that. Getting the bandit skin should take quite a few murders (5-10 perhaps) that way theres still a chance that person with a normal skin is going to shoot you in your ass.

You say to neutralize threats, but theres no way to tell if someones a bandit so we must kill everything. Thats what is bringing this game down.

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Stop. Just stop.

Enough of these recycled terrible ideas about forcing magical mechanisms of knowing a person's background or morality by looking at his appearance. Be it his full clothing' date=' an armband, a hat, or his fucking trainers. Just stop it.

[b']Constantly suggesting to artificially punish players with a game mechanic for playing how they see fit to play to make the game more convenient for a minority, that doesn't even like this mod, has already been established as a stupid idea.

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Stop. Just stop.

Enough of these recycled terrible ideas about forcing magical mechanisms of knowing a person's background or morality by looking at his appearance. Be it his full clothing' date=' an armband, a hat, or his fucking trainers. Just stop it.

[b']Constantly suggesting to artificially punish players with a game mechanic for playing how they see fit to play to make the game more convenient for a minority, that doesn't even like this mod, has already been established as a stupid idea.

How exactly is it punishment? I LOVED my bandit skin, and my identity as a roleplayer attached to it.

Either make equipment skins, like the Bandit skin, a LOT more common in "Residences", or give me my bandit skin back.

My two cents :).

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Someones a completely insane murder' date=' its unrealistic for them to look and act like a normal everyday person.


I can't resist... I just can't. People are so fucking stupid and they must be educated.

Firstly, shooting people for self-preservation reasons or supplies is not insane.

Secondly, you're talking absolute shit. Many people who are total crazies appear absolutely, 100%, normal. Fred West? Stalin? Hitler?

They look like anyone else. There are many many people who are mentally disturbed (Severely) and can appear totally normal. Psychopaths are particularly excellent at this.

You say to neutralize threats' date=' but theres no way to tell if someones a bandit so we must kill everything. Thats what is bringing this game down.


No, it's not what's bringing this game down. It's what's causing a very local, whining, minority to not like the mod. The vast majority of players love the way PvP is just as it is. The mod is not failing due to "HERP DERP DEATHMATCHING", this mod is the fastest growing I've ever seen. Doomcalling is not necessary, you're not fooling anyone.

Not knowing what people are going to do or what sort of a person they are is totally realistic. It's what happens in every day life. It's what makes this mod so unique and interesting. There is no red team and blue team. Please play something else, not for our sake but for your own. This mod is clearly not for you.

How exactly is it punishment?

Are you even trying? 0/10

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@soldier of failure

Setting aside all of the real-life murderers that look just like normal people (See: Fort Hood Shooting, Columbine Shooting, Seattle coffee shop shooting, etc etc etc), there are also many horror movies out there that debunk your claim about insane murderers looking like anything other than normal citizens. And then there are movies like The Road, which establish a pretty strong case of "every man for himself" and "bandits may be roaming" and "wolf in sheep's skin" social situations. Where do you get this idea that people who act different inherently have to look different??? I think you are simply trying to find or create the path of least resistance, instead of putting in the hard work required to survive in DayZ.

There are plenty of ways to neutralize threats in DayZ. It probably helps to have several players working together. There are many elements missing from DayZ due to its nature as an alpha project. But things like building strongholds, establishing a barter economy, reclaiming towns and/or buildings, exterminating zombies from a specific region...those kinds of yet-unseen mechanics can be used a methods of promoting cooperative gameplay and reducing the incidences of blind murder and highway homicide. As a matter of fact, it may develop the game into an even more complex PvP situation that revolves around capturing towns and strongholds, or infiltrating a locality to sabotage its defenses. PvP is exactly what makes the game strong, not weak.

Until those complex mechanics come about, there is not much to do in a post-apocalypse world except shoot anything that moves. You and your party of allies will have to rely on teamspeak, direct speak, and aggressive scouting IOT avoid confrontations and human-borne disasters.

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i thought that in the game will be more specializations... like bandits...( ... medics... hunters, junkeys, even kanibals could be interresting- all it would be able for some stats.. medic - for healling, junke for overdose morphine and other druggs... )

About bandits... i liked it... tey should look different.. maybe some balaklava on head, so they could change rest of uniform when find one? ) ( can be able different clothings to find, wearable only for bandits...)

and that way should lead somewhere ... some restrictions in use of stuff like axe, fire, hunting. - to make harder life of bandit... So far bandits had the best life in game ;)

allso .. when you becomeing a hunter would be able to wear ghili suit- wich will be unavailable for bandits and , you should not be able to use.... food from caN ( you should hunt animals and get more meat from them -cause u are expert in that ...) Medic can heal faster,and faster regenerate himself when eat and drink, but can use only short weapon..? and can not wear any camo uniform -is it possible to make for medic some sort of clothing to find in hospitals? ....?)- it just ideas :)

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Did you know that people who reply to a thread asking for the bandit skin back are an entirely accurate representation of the overall player base as a whole?

I learn something new every day!

Most people have probably gotten utterly sick of having to say how much they hate this idea. It's been regurgitated so much recently, thankfully those threads were all lost due to the site problems.

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idealy bandit skins should look alot like survivor skins at a distance maybe have the face coverd with a handkerchie, could also lean twards darker clothing and facemasks, should take alot more killing to get one though,

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DinnJ..... do you think a murderer might want to conceal his/her face with a mask.... You know im just asking......

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No. Because when you murder someone they cannot give you a physical description of the person who attacked them.

Because when you shoot at someone they usually aren't busy trying to remember your facial features/height/built. A gunfight is incredibly disorientating.

If you think bandits might want to conceal their faces for realism, then add it as an optional mechanic. Do you think bandits would wear this mask all the time because they are magically forced to? Even when trying to act friendly?

Look at hostage situations. Many times the criminals don't bother wearing masks, because they are to dispose of the hostages as part of the plan. People only wear masks when they intend on letting their quarry live.

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If you think bandits might want to conceal their faces for realism' date=' then add it as an [b']optional mechanic. Do you think bandits would wear this mask all the time because they are magically forced to? Even when trying to act friendly?

yes but usually thiefs aren't coded in the Real Virtuality 3 engine.

With this being usually the facial expression of someone who is "good" aren't the same of someone who has been killing people with his hunting rifle.

The way the games usually represent this is changing their clothes, or just putting red eyes to em. Its just easier than coding something that will simulate everything some of you have been trying to say with comments about hostages situations.

Now i just feel its pointless that we still try to base this project in real life situations. We should give ideas on how to make it work in a military simulator mod about a zombie apocalypse.

because if you want realism might as well just put 1 life per computer, and remove every item respawn in the map because last time i checked weapons didn't just popped out of the air inside schools.

Maybe then people will play it as if it was their life.

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This game in its current state does not resemble anything at all like a zombie apocalypse would.

In the real world, you risk dying (permanently) if you pull the trigger on someone.

In this game, you risk *maybe* some equipment if you pull the trigger on someone.

In its current state, due to the lack of a reaction to your player being a bandit, the game will always lean more towards cawadooty-style deathmatch, because life is cheap and easily replaced.

The common refrain regarding banditry is that "in the real apocalypse" people would be willing to murder, and wouldn't magically change their skins when doing so.

So I say lets push that comparison a bit further, and make the game much more like the "real" apocalypse. If you die, you're banned from the game.

What's that? "That's a terrible idea," you say? Well duh. It just shows that the people who keep "claiming" that the whole bandit skin removal thing is good "because realism" don't actually want realism when it might ruin their day.

Because there's no real way to simulate permanent death that won't absolutely kill the game entirely, then we need to acknowledge that this is a game, and that some non-realistic things are going to have to be in the game to force it to simulate how a zombie apocalypse would actually be.

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Heh. Some people on this fourm are the stupidest people Ive seen on the interwebs. (I am looking at you, Dinnj)

I never said that I didnt like DayZ. Infact I love it. But when I look at Hitler, he does not look like a normal person to me.

I simply can not understand why people hate the idea of some sort of bandit skin. It doesnt have to be overly obvious, but it should be notable at closer ranges. Its completely realistic that a mass murder would be identifable. DayZ cannot show the way someone whos insane acts without them outright killing, thus we need the bandit skin.

Now, off to bed with me :D

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Now i just feel its pointless that we still try to base this project in real life situations.

If you had read my post at all you would realise I was trying to make the same point. Realism discussion is pointless but that was the only response I was given to the points I made on the last page.

Heh. Some people on this fourm are the stupidest people Ive seen on the interwebs.

I never said that I didnt like DayZ. Infact I love it. But when I look at Hitler' date=' he does not look like a normal person to me.

[b']Some people on this fourm are the stupidest people Ive seen on the interwebs.

I simply can not understand why people hate the idea of some sort of bandit skin. It doesnt have to be overly obvious, but it should be notable at closer ranges. Its completely realistic that a mass murder would be identifable.

Some people on this fourm are the stupidest people Ive seen on the interwebs.

DayZ cannot show the way someone whos insane acts without them outright killing, thus we need the bandit skin.

Now, off to bed with me :D

Some people on this fourm are the stupidest people Ive seen on the interwebs.

You take irony to a new level.


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This is an online game and i find it crucial to have different clothes.

If it takes finding them or choosing clothes before you play puts you 1 step closer to individuality and also it's easy to tell one person from another. It would be epic if we could have a symbol on our clothes. Think about it, if you were in apocalypse there would definitely be groups of people that like to show they are on the same team.

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