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EU 40 - "faggot"

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I want to make a complaint about server EU 40, seems the admin/s are banning for several silly reasons, not to me personally as yet, but to other players.

The worst I have witnessed so far has been "faggot" which I have documented in a picture below. I have also personally heard an admin be extremely abusive and rude over voice chat to new player called BRAD who used side voice chat by mistake, when BRAD asked him to not talk to him so rudely, the admin threatened to restart the server if he didn’t stop talking O.o.

The past few days he has also been rebooting the server every 15 minutes it seems like, my group would have just left the server but we had gathered quite a collection of vehicles and supplies so were essentially tied there. However the server appeared to have been completely reset at some point so we lost several vehicles and collections of loot/supplies. Going to be using a new server from now on, I realise that constant restarts and even resets are not breaking the rules, they were just the straws that broke the camel’s back on a very poorly run server but I’m not here to raise restarts/resets as an issue, the issue I’m raising is the banning of players for personal reasons and abusive talk over voice chat. Since the server hosts have to apply to the Day Z staff to run a server in the first place, I do have to wonder if the application and review process is perhaps as thorough as it should be, clearly very immature and petty people are being granted powers they probably shouldn’t have access to. With the current state of hacking in the game (that’s even spread to the forum now) the last thing we need is rogue admins like this ruining the community.

P.S should also note that he has been seen locking his server from time to time and playing with a small number of what I assume must be friends or clan members. I’m fairly sure that’s against the rules but I don’t have a screenshot of that, will grab one next time if I see it.


EDIT: Adding a quick copy of the rules for easy reference.

"BEWARE - The same restrictions apply to Non-Dev run servers!





- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

- You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel). But you may not kick due to race or language or because the person does something you do not like.

- Kicking for extremely excessive ping or desync is permitted, but if abused is grounds for blacklisting

Failure to adhere to these rules will BAN YOUR SERVER'S IP from DayZ.

If you have any questions, then please post in this thread, or email me; [email protected]"

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Fallout is in his group snowflake ...

Server resets were addressed already.

Server running like shit isn't the "admin's" problem, it's the hosting and the massive amount of attention this game has gained Arma...

You are showing no concrete proof of anything else you have "heard or seen personally".

The server was locked a few times with just him in it to force it past briefing because everytime he had to restart players would just cockslam the server again trying to get back in.

The server was also locked and set to the ARMORY in which he asked about 7 people to join it and blow the shit out of cherno to see if it was the server running like crap or dayz running like crap. Low and behold, there is nothing wrong with Arma. It's the massive amount of dudes that can't read the forums and connection spam / do shit that further harms the gameplay for the players and the server. IE singing/playing music in fucking global channel.

I appreciate your massive amount of research and attention to detail before you decided to post this garbage on the forums. Here are some things to try in the future ... When seeing the locked server ... actually fucking check to see if it's running dayz mod or even states it in the freaking title. Also, when making pretty big claims of abuse ... please post more evidence to back it up besides a screen shot of him banning a dude who just launched an m136 over his groups head and knocking them all out in a clearing...


No seriously ... admins pay money so they can support a game that you play for free.

The game is in alpha, you are entitled to nothing.

Stop being a special little snowflake and go find another server to smear. Please see that all your loot and vehicles find their way to my camp at your earliest convenience.

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I am not an admin on the server but 1-2 days ago the server files were completely deleted by the hosting company so everyone lost their vehicles and tents.

As for the ban, Fallout is a friend of the admin (so am I), it was an inside "joke" and a temporary ban, I was on the server when this happened and the admin even announced it over admin chat which you so conveniently did not decide to take a screenshot of. Also this ban happened at the beginning of this week, odd how you decided to post it after the server files were deleted by the hosting company and you lost all your shit instead of posting it right away.

As for the locking of the server, the admin only does that if he needs to check if the server is running properly (it seems to have issues sometimes) at which point he will be the only player on the server or if you would have paid attention, isn't even running the dayz mod (but vanilla Arma2 maps like CTI) when locked with other ppl inside at which point dayz server rules do not apply.

I see you are butthurt over loosing all your shit and you thought the admin did it, so you came here with a wall of text with half assed accusations, but everyone lost their shit on the server and it had nothing to do with the admin. Get over it.

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The Admins of EU40 and their friends strike me as very very mature right now....

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The Admins of EU40 and their friends strike me as very very mature right now....

Thank you for your valuable contribution to this worthless thread.

Are you a special snowflake too? Or do you take the condescending route when you feel like your opinion on this matter will be otherwise overlooked?

Find another server, there's plenty of them "running" atm.

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The Admins of EU40 and their friends strike me as very very mature right now....

We pride ourselves on our honour, integrity and maturity.

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Aww is snowflake the best insult you can come up with?

I have never, and will never play on EU40, mostly because its likely to be blacklisted in the near future with fairies like you running it.

pfftt snowflake, that still makes me laugh.

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Aww is snowflake the best insult you can come up with?

I have never' date=' and will never play on EU40, mostly because its likely to be blacklisted in the near future with fairies like you running it.

pfftt snowflake, that still makes me laugh.


Then why the fuck are you even on this thread?

Also, with the massive amount of dickdancing that goes on in other servers, I'm quite sure this thread will be buried into oblivion by legitimate claims here very soon.

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Aww is snowflake the best insult you can come up with?

I have never' date=' and will never play on EU40, mostly because its likely to be blacklisted in the near future with fairies like you running it.

pfftt snowflake, that still makes me laugh.



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Aww is snowflake the best insult you can come up with?

I have never' date=' and will never play on EU40, mostly because its likely to be blacklisted in the near future with fairies like you running it.

pfftt snowflake, that still makes me laugh.


Then why the fuck are you even on this thread?

Also, with the massive amount of dickdancing that goes on in other servers, I'm quite sure this thread will be buried into oblivion by legitimate claims here very soon.

Just keep on digging son..Just keep on digging.

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Fallout is in his group snowflake ...

Server resets were addressed already.

Server running like shit isn't the "admin's" problem' date=' it's the hosting and the massive amount of attention this game has gained Arma...

You are showing no concrete proof of anything else you have "heard or seen personally".

The server was locked a few times with just him in it to force it past briefing because everytime he had to restart players would just cockslam the server again trying to get back in.

The server was also locked and set to the ARMORY in which he asked about 7 people to join it and blow the shit out of cherno to see if it was the server running like crap or dayz running like crap. Low and behold, there is nothing wrong with Arma. It's the massive amount of dudes that can't read the forums and connection spam / do shit that further harms the gameplay for the players and the server. IE singing/playing music in fucking global channel.

I appreciate your massive amount of research and attention to detail before you decided to post this garbage on the forums. Here are some things to try in the future ... When seeing the locked server ... actually fucking check to see if it's running dayz mod or even states it in the freaking title. Also, when making pretty big claims of abuse ... please post more evidence to back it up besides a screen shot of him banning a dude who just launched an m136 over his groups head and knocking them all out in a clearing...


No seriously ... admins pay money so they can support a game that you play for free.

The game is in alpha, you are entitled to nothing.

Stop being a special little snowflake and go find another server to smear. Please see that all your loot and vehicles find their way to my camp at your earliest convenience.


I thought I recognised your name, you’re the admin that was abusive to that Brad guy (You had some sort of Liverpudlian accent if I recall). I think your rude and obnoxious attitude in your reply to this thread is a pretty clear indicator of your attitude and maturity (Probably indicative of your fellow clanmates as well I suspect), your reply/rant/rage speaks for itself.

Sorry I was unable to provide video evidence of your abusive language over voice chat, Maybe one day I’ll Fraps all my online gaming activity 24/7 on the off chance that I might come across an offensive childlike person like yourself, and be forced to prove how abusive and rude you can be to fellow players? Sadly until then I guess nothing will likely be done about you behaviour without some kind of audio proof. Frankly though it’s enough for me that I have at least given other members of the community a heads up on what to expect should from the admin should they choose to play on EU 40, I for one will not be one of them, I’m sure I will be missed greatly, doubtless I will be hard pressed to find such an outstanding group of gamers.

Also, please drop the violin regarding your friend having to paying for a server, it’s not a gaming tax, its entirely optional, it’s his decision, choosing to do so doesn’t make him special nor does it give him carte blanche to treat the server and its inhabitants as he sees fit. I’m sure most people would be grateful for him hosting it under normal circumstances (as would I) were it not for the awful way you guys treat anyone who should happen to bother them by mistakenly pressed Caps Locks or getting a grenade kill on his group (i.e personal reasons). EU 40 admins abuse the privilege and powers entrusted them by the Day Z staff and generally do a piss poor job of running the server. So don’t expect a thank you card anytime soon, treat the servers players with respect and maybe you will receive respect in turn.

You shouted down a new player on voice chat because he made a mistake with the finicky voice system, if you were any kind of admin you would have politely asked him to refrain and perhaps explained how the system worked, instead you yelled at him like a true keyboard warrior and threatened to restart the server, well done, very impressive.

Regardless of whether this Fallout chap is in his "group" I find it unacceptable to ban a player on a public server when the reason is "faggot". If you’re going to host a public server then you and your friends should behave like adults, not children calling each other offensive and disgusting words like "faggot". Even if he kicked him in jest as you seem to be suggesting, that’s not a good enough excuse. As far as I am aware the admin tools are not toys to use on each other for epic "lulz" so please try to conduct yourself in a more professional manner, this kind of behaviour reflects poorly on the mod and its staff (as they are the ones who entrusted you to host), by hosting the game you are representing Day Z and its creators, I’m sure they want it to be enjoyed by all players and don’t want people put off by kids with admin tools on a power trip.

Also as far as the evidence for my claims, the only issue I’m officially complaining about is the abusive and inappropriate language used to ban another player of which I have provided a screenshot, did you not see it?

P.S I’m unsure what you mean when you keep referring to me as snowflake but I guess your attempting to offend me, so well done for that, clearly your child like behaviour is not only limited to the game. Id attempt a retort but then what would be coming down to your level wouldn’t it?

Also I paid £40 to buy Arma II and its DLC specifically to play Day Z and support this kind of game development, I apologise in advance if that makes me a bad person.

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So first it was Dregek that was abusive, now me?

You do realize I'm not an admin right? I have no access to the RCON. I also don't use the mic for my capslock key is unbound as it is my TS3 bind. Keen observation there guy. I didn't bother reading the rest of your spurgle because I'm quite sure it is full of the same shit you've already posted. Just tied to a different person now.

Please provide these logs where I ( a player on the server who is not an admin ) gave a verbal beat down to anyone on any server. Eitherway, you should probably have this thread closed because it is not a case of an admin abusing anything. It is a case of a player being mean in dayz....

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It is a case of a player being mean in dayz....

Somebody say it ain't so

Posts Deleted.

Great thread. Let's keep it civil.

My tl;dr was entirely civil ;)

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I am not an admin on the server but 1-2 days ago the server files were completely deleted by the hosting company so everyone lost their vehicles and tents.

As for the ban' date=' Fallout is a friend of the admin (so am I), it was an inside "joke" and a temporary ban, I was on the server when this happened and the admin even announced it over admin chat which you so conveniently did not decide to take a screenshot of. Also this ban happened at the beginning of this week, odd how you decided to post it after the server files were deleted by the hosting company and you lost all your shit instead of posting it right away.

As for the locking of the server, the admin only does that if he needs to check if the server is running properly (it seems to have issues sometimes) at which point he will be the only player on the server or if you would have paid attention, isn't even running the dayz mod (but vanilla Arma2 maps like CTI) when locked with other ppl inside at which point dayz server rules do not apply.

I see you are butthurt over loosing all your shit and you thought the admin did it, so you came here with a wall of text with half assed accusations, but everyone lost their shit on the server and it had nothing to do with the admin. Get over it.


*Sigh* you clearly can’t help yourself either and although you started out well, you, like your friend above, devolve into just being plain rude. If I was "butthurt" over losing items then wouldn’t I have posted several days earlier? The reason I haven’t posted this yet is because I was busy with other real world issues besides playing this game and this weekend I have been busy playing in the Guild Wars 2 beta, I had forgotten about the whole thing until I talked to a couple of friends over the weekend about if the server (EU40) had gotten any better as I had mentioned to them the issues brought up in my original post. We were discussing whether it was worth starting over on EU 40 or find a better server. We decided to find a new server as we were unhappy with the behaviour of the admins of EU 40. I wanted to alert the rest of the community what to expect should they consider playing there in the future as it is subpar (in my personal opinion) and the admins can be just downright offensive, you can’t go around banning people and calling them a "faggot" I don’t care if it’s your friend of not, it’s a horrible and offensive word, it’s very unprofessional, admin tools are not toys, you have very clear rules to follow in regards to what you can and cannot kick players for. That’s the real issue here. I provided a screenshot, what more evidence do I need? I’m not going to fall into a debate with you and your friends about why I don’t like your behaviour and attitudes, if you can’t see what’s wrong with them then no amount of explaining on my part will help.

P.S I really don’t see how can both claim I’m angry or "butthurt" about something, I have been very polite and tried to explain things as clearly as I can, on the contrary it is you gentleman that seem angry or upset over this.

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So first it was Dregek that was abusive' date=' now me?

You do realize I'm not an admin right? I have no access to the RCON. I also don't use the mic for my capslock key is unbound as it is my TS3 bind. Keen observation there guy. I didn't bother reading the rest of your spurgle because I'm quite sure it is full of the same shit you've already posted. Just tied to a different person now.

Please provide these logs where I ( a player on the server who is not an admin ) gave a verbal beat down to anyone on any server. Eitherway, you should probably have this thread closed because it is not a case of an admin abusing anything. It is a case of a player being mean in dayz....


Well if thats the case then I clearly confused you with one of the admins who was yelling over voice chat, sorry about that, but I would prefer not get side tracked, as I am only able to provide evidence for the "faggot" issue then we should stick to that (Although im sure with you being good friends with the admin team doubtlessly know who I refer to when I said the gentleman with the liverpudlian accent, he, like yourself, seemed to have an issue controlling his anger).

I do wish you would stop being rude towards me though, are you just spamming abuse in an effort to get this thread closed?

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An admin uses the word faggot once and you get this upset? I can't stop laughing irl

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Also, if you don't like our "attitudes" gtfo of the server.

Rocket isn't losing any business. You will just take your toys to some other server and shit up that one as well with your ass bandages.

For every cancerous, self-entitled whiner that disconnects there will be hundreds of new ones spamming connections justa' waitin' to get in and give us sosorude dayz players their contents.

Grab your nutsack, take a deeeeeeeep breath and uh ... deal with it?

It's a video game that simulates a fucking zombie apocalypse. If you can't handle it, log the fuck off and go do something else.

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An admin uses the word faggot once and you get this upset? I can't stop laughing irl

More than once, I have more screenshots, I can provide upon request.

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An admin uses the word faggot once and you get this upset? I can't stop laughing irl

More than once' date=' I have more screenshots, I can provide upon request.


Oh god my sides plz stop already

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are you just spamming abuse in an effort to get this thread closed?

I don't think they are more likely you are a butthurt target who can be wound up for lol's.

Do you perchance ask in global if there are friendlies in Cherno?

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It is a case of a player being mean in dayz....

Somebody say it ain't so

Posts Deleted.

Great thread. Let's keep it civil.

My tl;dr was entirely civil ;)

Read: Unnecessary due to a large amount of text that is unneeded.

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Read: Unnecessary due to a large amount of text that is unneeded.


EDIT: Christ, I just noticed that this thread is actually in the Cheat reporting subforum....

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Another "faggot"


A third "faggot"


I dont know why people are making a joke of this, I find it disgusting, am I the only adult here?

Also' date=' if you don't like our "attitudes" gtfo of the server.

Rocket isn't losing any business. You will just take your toys to some other server and shit up that one as well with your ass bandages.

For every cancerous, self-entitled whiner that disconnects there will be hundreds of new ones spamming connections justa' waitin' to get in and give us sosorude dayz players their contents.

Grab your nutsack, take a deeeeeeeep breath and uh ... deal with it?

It's a video game that simulates a fucking zombie apocalypse. If you can't handle it, log the fuck off and go do something else.


I'm perfectly willing to play on your server from time to time so long as you and your friends adjust your attitudes and treat people with respect.

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