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Killed any bandits lately? Tell your story

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Hmm... my first bandit kill was about 2 weeks ago. Me and 2 more friends were near solichniy when we heard a pickup truck coming, we hit the dock and the pick up start honking, we hear a couple of shots and that's it. We cross the road and head over the mountain, following the sound.

There was a lot of bodies so we walk carefully. After we did a quick look there was nothing, so we jump into the mountain and start running, my friend saw another body and he started looting it when he was killed. My other friend and I went prone immediately, a couple of minutes later he went into crouch position and boom.. killed. I kept scanning the area and found nothing, absolutely nothing. 5 minutes later my friends were running towards me when I spot some guy with a huge gun, as50 or m107 was my bet and he was approaching my friend's bodies. He crouch near the body of one of them and i pulled out my makarov, went into crouch position and empty a clip in his fuck1ng chest, neck and head. My two friends approached me and I looted the bandit corpse to find an AS50 TWS... it was a good day :)

Edited by McLovinCR

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I picked up a guy that was on our ts3 server then a couple others on skalisti and i flew my chopper to their camp on my server and we switched servers to get to our camp then we geared up and grabbed a ural and started touring around. there were 6 of us in a ural just travelling aronud and the first guy said let me out i gotta go so they stopped and let him out. I watched him go to a bush and log out. I look 2 minutes later and hes back on the server. So i sneak awayf rmo the ural and go back to our camp.. then I remembered he knew where my chopper was so I went to that server and he was on it but I couldn't find him. Then he logged out so I took my chopper back to my camp and logged back onto the other server with the other camp. Justin was bringing the ural back to their camp so I sat around watching and I see 2 people in ghilies looknig at justin and the ural. They killed justin and I killed the guy I picked up in the chopper named Chaos. His friend hid for a bit while I kept shooting at him behind a tree. He combat lots 3 times to get better positioning but from where I was I saw him everytime and eventually got him. He snuck onto our ts3 server. Learned locations of our camps, called his buddy, raided them and killed justin and I followed them from the first second. It was epic

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My brother and I were heading to Elektro (bad idea from the get-go, I know) to resupply food, water, etc. We had just finished raiding the supermarket and were going to leave when we hear the crack of a sniper rifle and see the bullet hit the doorframe right beside my brother's head. He dives back into the market and I sprint across the street and duck down behind a house. Don't know where the shot came from yet. Brother runs out the back, and I hear another gunshot. I round the corner and look out on Sniper Hill with my M107 - nobody. Another gunshot. See the muzzle flash from the power station firehouse. Quickly turn, see guy in tower with an AS50 taking potshots at my brother. Nope.

Boom, headshot. +1 Bandit Kill.

Took the bugger's rifle with pleasure. Turned out he also had a hacked G36C SD in his pack. I buried it along with him. Felt good. :)

Edited by The Velvet Overkill

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