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{CQF} Ian

Battleye acting wierd?

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Ok, so i have been getting banned Because of an Anti-hacks/cheating thing that i get. I do not script, i do not cheat. What i think may of happened is a player by the name of criminal (yes all lower case letters) Hacked on server 1560. I personally at that time was trying to restock after a bandit attack the other night. I observe that he gets banned because of Hack #48 ithink it said. But before he gets banned i am spawned a full kit with an AS-50 TWS (The one with the thermal scope). I logged off right after that for fear of an instideath hack anf because i was extreemly happy about the gun.... I have not played on a public server since then, I play private hives and even that is now getting the ban message. So what can I do?

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Obviously for having a weapon that doesn't exist in dayz in the first place. I have been noticing battleye kicking players for reasons like Script restriction #34 and Vehicle restriction #1

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I was under the impression that unless you scripted it, you were ok to use it.

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I think I was banned for the same reason... I killed a hacker and took his gun since I read rocket said its fine as long as you didnt hack it yourself... and now I'm banned..... lesson learned I gues...

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Obviously for having a weapon that doesn't exist in dayz in the first place. I have been noticing battleye kicking players for reasons like Script restriction #34 and Vehicle restriction #1

You can't be globally banned for holding in a legitimate weapon that exists in Arma 2. You might be getting kicked instead.

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I was under the impression that unless you scripted it, you were ok to use it.

So you think using a hacked in weapon to give you an unfair advantage is playing the game perfectly within the rules.

Will you also be creating a thread when someone shoots YOU with an AS-50 tws calling him out for being a hacker?

"it's ok to cheat as long as you don't get banned", the Dayz moto

Edited by Yann

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I think people are getting hung up on the AS50-TWS but it isn't the focus of this thread.

The player stated he is banned in both public and private servers. Hence it is a global ban via BattlEye.

Even private servers have to use BattlEye and global bans will stick...as they are, you know, global.

Go here -> http://www.battleye.com/support.html bans of this nature are handled by them, not us.

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The gun isnt the problem,you dont get banned for having it or using it.also you cant be kicked for having it or using it.

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Possession of illegal non-dayz equipment on many servers will get you banned from that server.

Contact me via PM with your in game name, time of the incident where you acquired the weapon and I will look into the incident.

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